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Posts Tagged with "world leaders"

Sometimes Bwog can’t get enough feminism.  And by that, we mean generally speaking insofar as feminism means being a DSpar fangirl and Bwog’s role within the walls of a women’s college.  On occasion, Bwog does find some feminism on the other side of Broadway.  On Monday, Bwog’s resident Columbia feminist Roberta Barnett checked out a […]

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Earlier today, the Times reported that Václav Havel, the dissident playwright who was elected president of Czechoslovakia after the fall of the Soviet Union and later became the first president of the Czech Republic (after it split from Czechoslovakia), passed away at the age of 75. A founding member of Charter 77, Havel was an […]

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PrezBo generously shared his mansion and manservant with some lucky lottery winners at his first Fireside Chat last night from 6 to 7:30 pm. Bwog’s Conor Skelding, ever eager to enter 60 Morningside Drive, stopped by to watch his fellow students waffle between demonizing and deifying their president-for-life. 5:57 to 6:35 pm was spent mingling around a central snack […]

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Braving a long line, cold rain, and French grammar, Bwog’s Ambassador to France Contessa Gayles reports from President Sarkozy’s speech today: After waiting in a line that stretched from the main entrance of Low Memorial Library down onto rainy College Walk, members of the Columbia community joined the scores of press to hear Nicolas Sarkozy, […]

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Procrastinate close to home. Monday Jeffrey Sachs, George Soros, Nouriel Roubini: About saving the world economy.  Moderated by John Roberts of CNN, formerly of CBS.  We’ll LectureHop if you can’t make it.  3:30 PM @ Miller Theater. Tuesday Men’s Soccer vs. Lafayette: As Bwog noted on Friday, they’ve had a mixed season.  But the uncertainty […]

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Oh damn, this financial crisis is ruining just about everything, including your World Leaders Forum. Today’s issue of The Australian—Bwog’s preferred Australian daily—reveals that Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd had originally planned to attend the WLF, “but instead [he] met privately with a selection of private financiers and the New York Federal Reserve.”

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Scandinavian and Latin American Bureau Chief, David Berke continues his tour of The World Leaders Forum with the PM of Hamlet’s Homeland.  Anders Fogh Rasmussen, Prime Minister of Denmark (and someone who is probably sick of all the Hamlet jokes), did his part for the World Leader’s Forum, addressing a full house in Low library.  […]

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Bwog’s Latin American Bureau Chief David Berke attended this afternoon’s installment of the World Leader’s Forum, starring Shakira! Making the World Leaders Forum feel small and inadequate by comparison, professor/man’s last best hope Jeffery Sachs hosted The Children of Latin America: A Future Without Poverty, this afternoon, taking full advantage of the world leaders stuck […]

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Earlier today, as part of the World Leaders Forum, President Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson of Iceland addressed students in an almost-full Low Rotunda. As was appropriate for the President of Iceland, he spoke enthusiastically about how small countries can battle worldwide problems. He stressed that even though much of the world is still locked in a […]

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Bwog Culinary and Sciences Editor Jon Hill noticed that the following event was removed from the World Leaders Forum website: “Sixth Annual Heads of State Visits Date: September 22, 2008 to September 26, 2008 Location: Morningside Campus Description: Columbia University hosts heads of state in September during the opening session of the United Nations General […]

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But wasn’t that  a doozy of a World Leaders Forum? We had autocratic thugs, alleged autocratic thugs, cruel and petty dictators, and, for variety’s sake, the visionary leader of an up-and-coming democracy. This’ll be a tough one to top. But don’t worry, John Coatsworth: you won’t have to to resurrect Hitler to make next year’s […]

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The World Leaders Forum might be over, but Bangladesh’s problems sure aren’t! Armin Rosen reports on the last of this round of WLF events. Like Turkmenistan, Bangaldesh finds itself straddling a perilously thin line. In Turkmenistan, a solid tradition of dictatorship makes it all too easy for president Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov to lead the central Asian country away […]

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A Robust Debate

Yes, presidents who weren’t “petty and cruel dictators” also participated in the World Leaders Forum. Correspondent Pierce Stanley checks up on two former U.S.S.R states now headed by Columbia alumni. The World Leaders Forum (aka PrezBo’s giving of the finger to authoritarian regimes) carried on this morning with the goal of taking on a new […]

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Seemingly the only Columbia heroes missing from Roone Arledge Auditorium today were Jeffrey Sachs and John Jay — though both were certainly at the Havel/Clinton/PrezBo prestige-aganza in spirit. In an event that vindicated CUArts’ alumni donation siphoning existence, the two former world leaders touched on both fighting TB and the Federalist Papers during their conversation, loosely based […]

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Labyrinth of Books = Labyrinth of Despair Female World Leaders Visit Columbia; Confused World Husbands Still Waiting For Dinner GS Students Petition For Bigger Allowance, Later Curfew, Use of Car Dianne Murphy: Stop Being A P#%$y

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