Welcome back to Science Fair, Bwog’s weekly roundup of science events happening around campus. As always, email science@bwog.com if you want your event featured.
Already looking for internships, even though you’ve barely survived the shopping period? Attend events hosted by your fellow students, and network with chiropractors and Google employees!
Google is facing its second antitrust lawsuit of the past two months. Editor’s note: mentions of death and animal cruelty.
Barnumbia students may be smart, but we’re also stupid.
Happy first day of classes! To those of you with an 8:40, we salute you. To the rest of you, check out what’s going on today in our Bwoglines. Happening in the world: If natural disasters weren’t enough, Wang Naiyan, a senior researcher on China’s nuclear weapons program, warned that nuclear tests could cause a North […]
Bucket List represents the intellectual privilege we enjoy as Columbia students. We do our very best to bring to your attention important guest lecturers and special events on campus. Our recommendations for this week are below, and the full list is after the jump. If you notice any events that have been left off the […]
Ugh, you thought you’d scheduled all your events on Google Calendar–but wait! You forgot Primal Scream! Don’t miss out on this hallowed Columbia tradition. Come to the front of Butler at midnight tonight (technically early Monday morning) to let out all your fears, desires, and stress. If you aren’t up to trekking over to the […]
Recommended “Google Visits the J-School: Ask Your Questions of Eric Schmidt and Jared Cohen” Tuesday, 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm, Lecture Hall, Journalism, Eric Schmidt, Jared Cohen “Delacorte Lecture: BuzzFeed” Thursday, 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm, World Room, Journalism, Jonah Peretti, Ken Lerer
Applying: Columbia sure isn’t the easiest school to get into, but they’ll be much more excited about you if you happen to be a military veteran. (NYTimes) Extracurriculars: Outside of classes, you may find time to participate in student groups like the Quidditch team. And maybe you’ll even make it to the Quidditch World Cup, […]
Today’s Bwoglines challenge the things you love most: Cartoons: Pinocchio should be punished, Spongebob will destroy our children (Slate, Atlantic) Cigarettes: The future of smoking is e-cigarettes. (NYMag) Sex: Has been displaced by Facebook. (Gizmodo) World History: It’s whatever. (New Yorker) Take-Out: It’s evil! (Gothamist) Emoticons: Sometimes they look like vaginas. (NYT) Google: Is actually taking over the world. (WSJ) There’s one exception! Beavis and Butthead […]
In the last 48 hours, the US has received a specific, credible, but unconfirmed threat of a terror attack this Sunday, on the 9/11 anniversary. Moreover, a survey by the Mailman School of Public Health at Columbia revealed that Americans have a false sense of security, and that in the event of a disaster, more […]
Trojan ranked us number one in safe sex among universities. (Gothamist) Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture and Planning and Preservation students win contest, redesign Long island. (Inhabitat) New York Public Schools get Google Apps, before we do. (WSJ) Next year, you can text your friends from some subway stations. (Telegraph) Financial aid forms are […]
As of yesterday, tipster Masud Mahdi informs us that Columbia now is now featured in the integrated Google Earth and Google Maps. Cool!
NYU plans to move into Brooklyn and Governor’s island. One of its goals in expanding is to provide 240 square feet of space per student (currently 160, compared with Columbia’s 326) by 2031. (NYT) Mujib Mashal, CC’11 has been capturing the lives of educators on video in war-ravaged Afghanistan, preventing the loss of their contribution to […]
The Heyman Center kicked off its Fall 2009 lecture series with Harvard Library Director Robert Darnton. Stacks Correspondent Mark Hay reports: A fair chunk of the audience at the Schapiro Center’s Davis Auditorium on Thursday fully expected this, the first Heyman Center event of the fall, to be yet another aging professor’s lamentation on the […]
Columbia Engineering Student Council Hosts the First Annual SEAS Cardboard Boat Regatta
March 9, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025Pro-Palestine Student Demonstrators Hold Sit-In In Barnard’s Milstein Center, Nine Individuals Arrested
March 6, 2025