An email from Dean Colombo to Carman residents reveals that some homophobic graffiti was applied to the pillar outside the freshman dorm on February 11th, and was removed about a week later. Colombo’s email, reproduced below the jump, asserts that the slow response time in dealing with such incidents will be looked into in the future […]
The system’s far more intriguing history is written on its walls, says Bwogger Armin Rosen. Tunnel graffiti is a running history of everyone who found their explorations momentous enough to permanently commemorate…. But there’s nothing boastful or egotistical about the hastily-scrawled notes found on practically every flat and indeed most of the cylindrical surfaces in […]
SEEJ has been papering the campus with their cheeky fliers advertising a graffiti/stenciling/street art event they’re throwing in Lerner tonight, and with Shepard Fairey’s Obey showing up on John Jay trays and artists like Banksy getting gala gallery events, this is Columbia’s version of getting hip to the times. Overheard: Regarding the fliers, one of which states […]
Bwog has been a little obsessed with trays lately. So obsessed we’ve started traying around with scissors. It is the only artwork we’ve done all year, and it’s only cool if you know about the OBEY Giant and F. Shepard Fairey’s phenomenological campaign of aimless propaganda, now a brilliantly whorish exercise in mass merch production. […]
One fine Tuesday morning, your Bwoggers tried to beat Reading Week boredom with a fortray into John Jay cafeteria. They went to take a surtray of the tray puns they had found etched into trays there. After a few short inquiries, they gained early entrance into the cafeteria—John Jay’s director was equally curious as […]
Apparently some students have a little too much spring fever to study in the library. But will chalk on the Van Am quad = success on next week’s orgo test? Bwog sure hopes so.
This morning, an anonymous tipster weighed in on the origins of the “cHiNA?” graffiti that can be spotted in every other campus elevator: I thought you should know I have a theory that could possible solve the “CHINA?” elevator riddle. That is, what started it before the ignorant copy cats took over. It’s dorky and […]
Graffiti from the 600 113th St. dormitory’s basement bathroom after the jump. Bwog found it to be quite instructive. DO NOT OPEN THIS POST ON A PUBLIC COMPUTER
In which Bwog staffer Mark Krotov familiarizes us with the places where you can find him when he’s supposed to be in class. The first time I came upon the Lehman cubicles, I felt like one of those schoolboys who discovered the Lascaux caves. Although hardly prehistoric in the traditional sense, the Lehman cubicles are […]
Bwog is proud to bring you gossip from abroad – because everything is funnier when it’s not American. While doing his time in the ‘Nam, your loyal correspondent noticed the following exchange gracing the guestbook in the museum at the former US marine base of Khe Sanh: Intruders are doomed to be kicked out, no […]
Housing Reviews 2025: East Campus
March 27, 2025Conspiracy Bwog: The Statues In St. John’s
March 25, 2025Freshpeople Housing Reviews 2020: Sulzberger Hall
March 25, 2025What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025