Think your first round of midterms is stressful? At least your parents aren’t in town—note the following exchange between a macho-looking father and his Furnaldian son. The dialogue took place in a Furnald hallway, whilst the father pointed toward the dorm’s notorious resident condom bag. Father: So, have you been utilizing these condominiums? Son: Uhh, yeah. […]
One fine Tuesday morning, your Bwoggers tried to beat Reading Week boredom with a fortray into John Jay cafeteria. They went to take a surtray of the tray puns they had found etched into trays there. After a few short inquiries, they gained early entrance into the cafeteria—John Jay’s director was equally curious as […]
Moving Fashion Forward With A Sustainable Fashion Exchange
February 8, 2025Marginalia: The Bibles Of Butler
February 8, 2025Maati Katha Is A Groundbreaking Performance
February 8, 2025Classes Bwoggers Dropped This Semester And Why
February 7, 2025