Earlier today (or, technically, yesterday), Bwog received the following tip: Caught a close up of the feasting hawk responsible for the rain of feathers in front of butler today. A former staffer suggests that this is the same hawk dubbed “hawkmadinejad” back in the 08 09 era. Pic attached. Same bird? The bird in question […]
Right after your RC@C floor meeting last night, you trolled your dorm for places to prove that you don’t need to alternate cups of beer and water. It was another night of adventure for our quickly maturing freshman class, but your RA probably encouraged you to wake up early to go to yet another group […]
“As a man, I’m flesh and blood; I can be ignored, I can be destroyed. But as a hawk… as a hawk I can be incorruptible. I can be everlasting.”—Hawkma
Like the proverbial dove with olive branch, Hawkma has emerged resplendent after the storm. Bwog couldn’t have asked for a better omen. Courtesy of freshpeople on JJ13
When we last saw Hawkma, she was homemaking on JJ 10. Today a tipster spotted her surveying Morningside Park. As she soared from perch to perch a father pointed to the skies and shouted, “Look, son, there she goes!”
We are reminded once again that our beloved campus bird of prey is not alone in the big city. The Times answers “your” questions about hawks in Manhattan. (NY Times) Don’t get too attached to the comforts of your subculture; hipsters won’t last forever. (Flavorwire) Rick Santorum, the anti-cajun, bonds with Louisiana primary voters, and […]
Hawkma, evidently undeterred by the scandal surrounding her namesake this week, has returned to her one of her favorite perches, a JJ10 balcony. This time she brought a friend and some sticks. Could our fierce feathery friend be thinking of relinquishing her role as queen of the night and settling down? Spring is in the […]
Our beloved Hawkma has been spotted on the JJ10 balcony, gloriously resting there as she has in the past. Perhaps confused by this inconsistent weather, she looks out over campus in concern, pondering our fates. We can only hope that she will continue her reign as Queen of the Night rather than puzzle us with […]
Hawkma was found lounging on a balcony of John Jay yesterday, a spot that she tends to visit often now. Meanwhile, earlier tipsters spotted her hawkadinnerjad, “a substantially-sized bone picked clean outside of Hartley.” Take heed, residents of the general area; Hawkma might have moved on to bigger things.
Last night, Hawkma was spotted on the John Jay 10 terrace. Quick-witted freshpeople snapped a few gorgeous pictures of the bird contemplating his/her existence. If Hawkma really is a she, her theme song would probably be Queen of the Night. Nighthawk(s) by David Brann.
Although CIRCA’s seats were empty, dinner was served last night in The Warwick Hotel to Ahmadinejad, about 100 university students, some professors, and UN leaders. Sources say that the evening had a light-hearted mood (despite a few walkouts), and that the President of Iran enjoyed himself. Some major points of the dinner and today’s address […]
In what will certainly be characterized by the media as caving to public pressure, the Columbia International Relations Council and Association, CIRCA, will be a no show at tomorrow’s dinner with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. It is not clear as of yet whether or not CIRCA was disinvited from the event, or if they chose themselves to […]
Self-appointed Chief Hawkmadinejad Biographer Sameea Butt sings of gender identity and incorporeality for the benefit of 2015. It all started with SIPA’s decision to make the annual World Leader’s Forum a smidge more interesting in 2007. They extended an invitation, with PrezBo’s blessing, to the President of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, to speak on campus was met […]
After initial fears over her potential demise, Hawkmadinejad has not only risen from the dead, but seems intent on becoming a prominent campus fixture. In both of the recently tipped photos Hawkma appears to be watching us—does Hawkma wish to catch a glimpse of life as Columbia student or has Hawkma turned her powerful gaze […]
Like the magnificent phoenix, Hawkmadinejad has risen from the ashes and returned to Columbia. While Bwog’s crack team of orithonologists cannot confirm whether these two photos are of the same hawk, both birds sport a large white patch on the upper chest. Hawkma is probably just back to scope out the incoming crop of freshpeople. […]
What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025Moving Fashion Forward With A Sustainable Fashion Exchange
March 21, 2025Columbia’s Newest Major: Rizzology
March 19, 2025Department of Homeland Security In Columbia Residences, Armstrong Emails Community
March 14, 2025