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Posts Tagged with "Hurricane Sandy"

Tonight at 7 pm in the John Jay Lounge, musicians from Columbia and Juilliard aim to melt your brains.  They will be playing classical music in new and exciting ways, changing your perspective on what this music is like.  Given the concert’s title, we can bet you’re gonna leave inspired and feeling kick-ass.  In addition […]

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Well, it’s that time of week again — time to stock up your cupboards with delicious locally-farmed food. The Columbia market is open year-round on Sundays and Thursdays and as always, accepts credit, debit, and EBT. Thanksgiving week schedule change – The market will be open Sunday, November 18 and Tuesday, November 20. The market […]

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Some of you may have had your flights to the Bahamas cancelled. Others may not be able to head home to Westchester thanks to Bloomberg’s carpooling. Or you may have been banking on a night downtown, which is now underwater. Either way, MoHi is looking like the only viable option for your drinking portion of […]

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The latest in small talk, overheard by a tipster at Starbucks:   “How was your hurrication?”   Nothing rejuvenates the soul quite like not leaving your building for two days (although you don’t necessarily need a hurricane for that). Pricey supplies you didn’t even end up using via Shutterstock  

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Things are slowly getting back to normal up here. Starting today, we can all ride our favorite subway line, the trusty 1, between 242nd St (Bronx) and Times Square-42nd Street. (NY Observer) For others, though, Sandy continues to have huge economic impacts.(TIME) On one side of the world, semi-crazy former Megaupload CEO Kim Dotcom gets […]

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Late on Monday night, buffeted by the winds of Sandy, some curiously adventurous lightweight crew members biked up to Baker Field and witnessed some intense flooding (not deep enough to row in, by the looks of it). They returned to Baker for practice this morning and snapped another picture for comparison. In their words: YOSO […]

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This Halloween comes bearing news of more destruction and sadness in the wake of Hurricane Sandy. Our friends at NYU, many without power, are faced with evacuating their dorms and will not have class for the remainder of the week. (NYU Local) For a more global perspective, 70 people in the Caribbean died in the storm, […]

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Update, 5:40 pm: Barnard will also have class tomorrow. According to an email from Columbia’s Emergency Management Operations Team, we (undergrads and most grad students) have class tomorrow! The reason? “Our students will only benefit by beginning to reengage in the purposeful work that brings our University community—and our City—together each day.” The med school, […]

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Like the proverbial dove with olive branch, Hawkma has emerged resplendent after the storm. Bwog couldn’t have asked for a better omen. Courtesy of freshpeople on JJ13

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After surviving last night’s storm/Facebook being down, you’re probably ready to venture outside to assess the damage.  While we were lucky in Morningside Heights, some locations remain closed.  Check back for further updates! Closed: Amir’s, Starbucks, Uni Cafe, Liz’s Place, Crumbs, Havana Central, Brad’s, Cafe 212, Cafe East, Butler Cafe, Camille’s, Community, Mill, Le Monde, […]

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Call Your Parents!

Take a moment to appreciate our safety up in Morningside Heights as word comes in of more damage around New York and New Jersey.  That said, all of the media coverage is showing horrible conditions in the city, so Bwog wants to reiterate a point from KevSho’s most recent hurricane update: tell your family you are […]

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Update, 1:30 am: Facebook, CNN, and Wikipedia are now back up! Try going to Facebook. Now try CNN and Wikipedia. If you’re in a Columbia-owned building, it’s likely that none of these websites will load. But the websites themselves aren’t down. If you try them from a non-Columbia IP or from your phone (once you […]

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Thanks to Hurricane Sandy, there’s currently massive flooding in lower Manhattan and parts of Brooklyn, with streets turned into rivers in the financial district, the East Village, Ground Zero, and Red Hook. Power plants are exploding and almost all of Manhattan south of 39th street has lost power. One building on 14th street was even […]

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We don’t feel like reading/writing words either.  Enjoy this gallery! And then check out all our Hurricane Sandy coverage. And don’t worry, we called the bars for you. 1020: “We’re open.”  Don’t know how late, but as long as they can be. The Heights: Open till 2 am Mel’s: Bar open all night, kitchen closed. […]

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Profs Admit Defeat!

All across campus people rejoice at the receipt of emails from sullen professors. Essays are pushed back and classes are cancelled. A dastardly few, however, plan to force students to attend “online seminars” through Courseworks or some such wizardry. From some of our fav professors: Lit Hum: I’m holed up in my apartment with my research, […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
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