Ivy League schools are under fire for animal abuse in their laboratories. Try to treat the subject of your next dissection with a little more kindness, k? (SFGate) Working Muppets of All Countries, Unite! (Slate) Thanks to some mice, we’re one step closer to developing a vaccine against the Ebola virus. NYPD officers are in hot […]
We hope your Christmas morning isn’t like this. Sleep late, be happy, eat Chinese food (we are!), etc. It’s been a long semester.
Bwog asked some of our favorite people what they want for Christmas (“Happy Holidays is what terrorists say”). Sir Mike of Carman Hall: “Life.” Elizabeth from the Hartley Hospitality Desk wants a semester in Istanbul. Amy from HamDel wants “maybe flowers,” and asked Bwog what we want for the holidays. Zak of BwogWeather wants to […]
Bwog’s Holiday Cheer Leader Peter Sterne reports. As the first snowfall (flurries don’t count) of the year descended into Morningside Heights last night, students gathered on the Lerner Ramps and outside Roone, eager to see the latest edition of XMAS!, the VShow-like student-run musical that’s been satirizing the holiday season for the last five years. When the audience was finally […]
In our newest feature, HolidayHop, Bwog will explain religious holidays so you don’t have to pretend to understand them. Early this morning, the first of Shawwal, the tenth month in the Islamic calendar, Muslims across the world awoke for the fajr, the pre-dawn prayers. Then, for the first time in 30 days (since the start […]
Bwog wishes you all a happy holiday weekend before finals start! Friday World’s Largest Menorah Lighting – In celebration of Hannukah, the lighting will continue nightly at the same time, except for Friday at 3:45. 5pm, 5th Ave at 59th St, in front of the Plaza Hotel. FREE Caroling at the Morgan – the Morgan […]
While we’re down here celebrating Columbus’s discovery of the New World and decrying the subsequent effects on indigenous people, our neighbors to the North are celebrating something a little different. No, Ithaca didn’t get a Chipotle yet… it’s Canadian Thanksgiving! Every second Monday of October since 1957, Canadians have been gathering ’round to give thanks […]
A few tipsters have informed us that CourseWorks is now host to Columbia’s annual nondenominational seasons greeting slideshow! O, happy day. Let’s check out this year’s offering, hm? A few rather dreary pictures of a snowy Central Park (see above) and then a non-exclamation-marked wish of “happy holidays.” Well, Bwog certainly prefers last year’s […]
This weekend, Bwog ventured into the heart of Brooklyn to find the best and the bushiest of the pinus genus. If you know of any noteworthy XMAS tree purveyors around town, please let us know in the comment section below. Last week, Bwog posted a list of “Things We’re Looking Forward To,”, which at the […]
Columbia, welcome to no man’s land. For the next two weeks, life will most likely not be fun. You are stuck in the in-between holiday purgatory, having just left home and not far from returning. You must somehow fit what now seems like a lifetime of paper-writing and furious studying into this short amount of […]
Shoppers thronging the streets outside of Macy’s Someone’s going bankrupt Friday—either you, because you scraped the bottom of your bank account taking advantage of sharply reduced prices, or the nation’s retail stores, because their discounts couldn’t reverse months of slumping sales. Whatever happens in the final accounting, the crowds out shopping Friday in Manhattan were […]
Holiday spirit is being trucked into the city today, in the form of that huge Rockefeller Center tree. (The tree lighting will be on December 3rd.) Urban forestry photojournalist Sumeet Shah is on the scene at an extremely high vantage point. More pictures after the jump and throughout the day.
Here is another joyful indication of the approaching holiday season: yesterday, local mom-and-pop coffee shop Starbucks began its annual tradition of serving coffee in wintry red cups. Bwog doesn’t even like Starbucks, and yet there’s something about Red Cup Day that makes us inordinately happy. So, take your red cupped hot chocolate and take a […]
Bwog kicks off Halloween early this year with a special guide to two of the neighborhood’s best costume purveyors, Ricky’s and Possibilities @ Columbia. You can divide the world in two camps: Those who love Halloween and those who hate it. Bwog falls into the former camp and we hope you do too. But we […]
Right outside Lerner, the Lubavitchers are here! A caravan to bring you Orthodox cheer. The Sukkah Mobile may seem somewhat queer, but they come in peace–that much is clear.
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025