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Posts Tagged with "honorary degrees"

Columbia has announced that it will recognize five honorary degree recipients at the two ceremonies for Commencement on May 15.

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As of this afternoon, Columbia has announced this year’s list of honorary degree recipients, those individuals so distinguished in their fields that they are considered to have fulfilled the course work of a Columbia degree, or, it would seem, the wishes and dreams of those pursuing a Columbia degree. Among this year’s honorees are the […]

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What do Maurice Sendak, the Dalai Lama, Tim Berners-Lee, Georgia O’Keefe, and PrezBo have in common? Well, aside from being some of Bwog’s favorite people ever for completely varied reasons, they also share something in common: honorary degrees from Columbia. According to the website, this is the “highest honor that the University can bestow on […]

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Columbia has just sent a press release announcing the list of honorary doctorates from the class of 2013. The University Medal of Excellence went to Alicia Abella, advocate for women’s and minority education in Science and Engineering. Stanley Falkow, prominent bacteriologist, and Zena Stein, researcher on child development, famine, and more, have been awarded Doctorates of […]

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As always, this year’s graduates will be joined by fascinating and successful individuals on whom the university is conferring honorary degrees. In addition to the honorary degrees, the University Medal of Excellence, awarded annually to an outstanding Columbia graduate under the age of 45 and giving you something to aspire to, will be given to: Tom Kitt, CC’96 And the […]

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These are the very accomplished, interesting people who will be there with you at commencement—in addition to your also very accomplished and interesting classmates. The University Medal for Excellence goes to extremely excellent Columbia alums under 45: Lydia Polgreen, JSchool ’00 And here are the recipients of honorary degrees: Ornette Coleman, Doctor of Music Martin […]

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