The student group Extinction Rebellion Columbia University (XR Columbia) has announced they will be holding a hunger strike for the next five days. Extinction Rebellion Columbia delivered a letter declaring the strike and a list of demands to the Office of the President last Friday.
Columbia’s favorite non-partisan political periodical is on news stands but not online, so we’re giving you the low down on this month’s issue by the page. Rwanda’s President: Westernizer or War Criminal? (Page 4) Wall Street and Main Street: Vast oversimplifications of the credit crunch or is it just homeowners’ faults? (Page 6) LitHum, CC […]
Alan Brinkley is the most popular Columbia professor on Facebook. Columbia is trying to “ameliorate” tensions with the community. Columbia gets amazing athletic recruits, who eat McDonald’s every day, wear jeans so tight that their legs atrophy and smoke clove cigarettes. Statisticians: Here are all the sexy details about the rigorous lottery. Pity the first-year […]
Tipster/photographer Matt Shields directs Bwog’s attention to the South Lawn, where law schoolers are staging a mock hunger strike protesting the ban on drinking in the Black Box theater. They’re calling themselves PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Alcoholics) and according to their colorful, upbeat propaganda, they “will not eat until they can drink—on […]
Thai Jones, CU American history Ph.D. candidate and son of Weather Underground founder Jeff Jones, has written a piece in today’s New York Times about the University’s most recent hunger strike and the history of self-imposed starvation as a means of political activism. Jones compares much of the campus’s anti-hunger striking sentiments of just a […]
The day the strike ended, a motley group of students put together a list of questions for the strike team to answer. Avi Alpert, CC ’06, and Bryan Mercer, CC ’07, have now done so, posted below unedited by Bwog. Alpert, responding to questions posed earlier by Nina Bell, emphasizes that while he was not […]
If you’ve got a question about Manhattanville, and you’re looking for an answer that won’t make Columbia look great, talk to Andrew Lyubarsky. The CC junior led the talks with Executive Vice President Maxine Griffith over six “points of compromise” on expansion that, in a Spec op-ed, he characterized as “completely unproductive.” Bwog sat down […]
Poor, misunderstood Columbia. No one seems to get the story straight–not even campus media sometimes–and the Hunger Strike of Fall 2007 was no exception. We’ve compiled what we’re sure is a woefully incomplete list of inaccuracies. We’ll let Columbia Assistant Vice President for Public Affairs La-Verna Fountain explain what was wrong with the bit about […]
The hunger strike is over, and contrary to what we we were told last night, so is the camp-out. Hunger-strikers and volunteers are currently taking down the tents, dismantling the Columbopus’s remaining tentacles, and otherwise preparing to permanently vacate Butler Plaza. Hunger striker Richard Brown, C ’10 cited a “need to clean up” as one […]
Going by the tone of tonight’s candlelight vigil (and counter-protest), the fact that the hunger strike has ended doesn’t change anything. The strikers still plan on holding vigils every night at 9. They still plan on camping out on the lawn between College Walk and Butler. And, as speakers and attendees to tonight’s vigil reiterated, […]
Following the release of a joint statement on the agreed-upon academic concessions–posted after the jump, in all its wonky glory–the four remaining hunger strikers will start weaning themselves off not eating after a vigil and press conference, same time same place (9PM at the sundial). Anything happen on Manhattanville? Nope. The story on that will […]
Now that the academic demands are taken care of, the hunger strikers are still going hungry for the Manhattanville expansion. But in an e-mail to the Community Board 9 listserv, CB 9 chairman Jordi Reyes-Montblanc told them to knock it off: “I again beseech you to stop your hunger strike as it pertains to the […]
Low Plaza became a peaceful battlefield this evening as a sizeable crowd of people convened by means of the now 700-member facebook group “We do NOT support the hunger strikers” gathered by Alma Mater just half an hour before the strikers’ nightly vigil at the sundial. Formally, the group stood there for only about 20 […]
Despite the stormy elements, at noon, the hunger-strikers organized a rally at the sundial. They explained to supporters that two strikers had dropped out for medical reasons, declared progress due to the university’s concessions, and reiterated the six points of negotiation. Due to Columbia’s agreement to make major cultures into a seminar format, shower curtains […]
Two of the hunger strikers, Emilie Rosenblatt, CC ’08, and Bryan Mercer, CC ’07, have decided to cap off the Gatorade for something more substantial. Concessions were made, medical leave threatened, Manhattanville still happening. For the full release…
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