When we posted about the World Leaders Forum speaker list a few days ago, many of you suggested that more high profile speakers would be announced soon. Well, you were right, though the speakers aren’t for the World Leaders Forum. A tipster has informed us that, on Wednesday, September 24th, several South and Central American […]
Maybe you made some new friends at your internship or job over the summer, how nice for you. Professor to the Stars Jeffrey Sachs has made some new best friends and oh, they are awesome. Here’s our Jeff Sachs (right) with famous people John Mayer (he of smoldering stare on the left), and Jennifer Aniston […]
For SEAS Class Day speaker engineering is the new liberal arts. FaCU, SGB funding meetings should be open to all. The New Harlem, its a happening place. The mayor of Brigadoon bids farewell. Gandhi scholar to hang it up after 40 years of teaching the same course. Jeffrey Sachs goes back to the future. […]
Live from the State of the Planet conference, an anonymous tipster with photography skills leads us to believe that the event may be… less than scintillating. Jeff Sachs reads the news and checks his email, after the jump. Slacking off on laptops during lectures — professors: they’re just like us!
Jeffrey Sachs was on the Daily Show last night to promote his new book, Common Wealth, in what turns out to be the least entertaining Daily Show interview ever. It’s repetitive and vague; Sachs says we all must work together to fix the world’s problems, Stewart asks which problems we must solve, Sachs then names […]
In which Bwog Lecture Hop Editor Pierce Stanley ventures into the cavernous confines of Low Library to corroborate the commotion sparked by last night’s launch of Columbia’s newest journal of Sustainable Development, Consilience. As the beat of African drums flittered through the four corners of Low Library last night, a diverse score of Columbia students, […]
Sustainable development loving John Legend fan Jeffrey Sachs and incredibly wealthy person Jeff Flug were recently photographed at Tom’s Restaurant for an article on CNN.com about the faces of philanthropy. Faces aside, we’re actually more drawn to Flug’s hand, which appears disturbingly huge. “Like his commitment to charity!” observed a Bwog contributor. The article points […]
Akeel Bilgrami inspired Bwogger Justin Vlasits to pontificate on the differences between undergraduate and graduate education John Legend and Jeffrey Sachs teamed up to slow-jam against poverty Shapiro out, Spar in We also learned about the baller after-party of the Poverty Action Tour Barnard might have discovered another way of knowing The Greek scene: Not […]
Homeboy Jeffrey Sachs’s love-fest, more commonly referred to as the Show Me: Poverty Action Tour, continued last night in Lerner Cinema, striking a far less harmonious chord than the previous night’s concert. While Monday’s kick-off event offered a serenade by none other than the Grammy award winning singer-songwriter John Legend who sang “Show Me,” a […]
Tonight Roone was witness to what at first appears like quite the odd couple: Columbia economist Jeff Sachs and Grammy winner John Legend. And no, Jeff was not there for a duet. These formidable giants of academia and entertainment were brought together by an ambitious goal: to eliminate global poverty. While Sachs is no neophyte […]
Poverty-hating concert-goers have already begun lining up for Jeffrey Sachs’ and John Legend’s totally bitchin’ “Poverty Action Tour.” Check back with Bwog for continued updates, we have a staffer embedded in Roone who will be covering the event in detail. CTV (channel 37) will also be airing the event live.
Did you need a reason to come back to school? Look no further–R&B rock star John Legend will be playing Alfred Lerner Hall at 6:00 PM on Monday, January 28, as part of Show Me: The Poverty Action Tour. Never one to miss a party, sustainability guru Jeff Sachs will be joining Mr. Legend onstage, […]
In which Bwog staffer Armin Rosen sits in on a peaceful disagreement over peace. If you thought Ahmadinemania offered Columbians the best oratorical fireworks of the year, then you, dear reader, clearly weren’t at the Satow room for today’s Peace in Darfur conference. A mid-afternoon speech by anthro professor Mahmood Mamdani (whose Major Debates in […]
Wish you were in Paris right now? Bwog foreign correspondent Sumaiya Ahmed reports on Columbia’s big weekend in the City of Lights. This weekend, Columbia students in Paris were treated to another sort of World Leaders Forum organized by the Columbia Alumni Association. The three day affair included Nobel laureate and 7th Secretary-General of the […]
1) Finding the Columbia search engine less efficient than manually locating wanted pages? Google through all of the columbia.edu pages here. It works like a dream. 2) Cents and insensitivity: Moneycontrol India asks whether Indian students may be deterred from studying in the U.S. following the massacre at Virginia Tech. Columbia’s cited. 3) The beacon […]
Housing Reviews 2025: East Campus
March 27, 2025Conspiracy Bwog: The Statues In St. John’s
March 25, 2025Freshpeople Housing Reviews 2020: Sulzberger Hall
March 25, 2025What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025