The school year has only just begun, and yet we’ve already suffered through at least a week of dining hall food. Many people on campus have sensitive allergies or food preferences that they adhere to, and it can be difficult to find places outside of the labeled options in John Jay that will cater to […]
Living in fear of the squalid living conditions that await you next semester? There may be another option, and one that you’ve probably passed by dozens of times without noticing. The Bayit, Columbia’s pluralistic Jewish living community and food co-op, is accepting applications for Fall 2013. Intrigued? Don’t know where — or what — the […]
Kosher cuisine specialist Carly Silver reports from 115th Street. Amid Moroccan tents and colorful cushions lies a Middle Eastern eating experience on our very own campus. Bella Alayof brings international flavors to Café Nana, her kosher restaurant in Columbia/Barnard Hillel. Born in Uzbekistan, Alayof emigrated to Israel when she was 17 like many Jews making […]
Hillel sponsored a kosher cooking class two nights ago. Bwog’s Chief Culinary Correspondent Catie Lynch was there. The vegetarian aspect of Wednesday night’s three-course kosher dinner was largely economic, it was admitted. But rabbinical intern Dina Rosenberg said said she also wanted to be inclusive of everyone’s dietary needs. “Food blends the barriers of Judaism,” […]
You Can Take the Soviet Out of Russia…
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