This isn’t exactly a novel occurence, but CUIT compromised files which contained the “names, addresses, social security numbers, and bank account numbers” of members of the Columbia community. Oops! How did this happen? “A Columbia University Information Technology programmer inadvertently and erroneously saved a file on a University web server that could be accessed from outside […]
Three laptops containing the personal information of 1,400 Columbia affiliates were stolen Monday from university offices, administration sources tell Bwog. Though details of the thefts are not yet being released, university officials confirm that Social Security numbers are among the sensitive data contained on the laptops. The computers were protected with passwords, but because the […]
Thanks to an anonymous tipster, Bwog brings you the latest update from Public Safety: room keys lie scattered on the curb of Amsterdam. Is yours among them? (Cue suspenseful music.)
Bwog is still searching its Cabinet of Cleverness for a new name for the expanded morning news post. Share your ideas in the comments. Yesterday the Museum of the City of New York opened a new exhibit celebrating the city’s “ultimate movers and shakers” in the last 400 years. But where is PrezBo in the […]
Gather round Columbia, we heard a harrowing tale from SSN breach survivor John Davisson. It seems the free credit monitoring service that your administration has provided is giving identity thieves one more shot to steal your personal information if they were busy from February 2007 to May 2008. “I called Identity Guard to activate my Columbia-bought-and-paid-for “CREDITPROTECTX®” […]
Columbia security guards have been going all vigilante of late, patrolling the neighborhood (or at least Broadway and Amsterdam between 111th and 116th) on foot. Apparently, the new security protocol is a response to two recent muggings at 112th and Amsterdam. One tipster reports seeing ten police officers and security guards on a single walk […]
Overheard earlier in the lobby of Schapiro, as a concerned mother makes a sincere effort to navigate the guest sign-in book. Concerned Mother: This doesn’t make any sense. This is three and this is eleven. Why am I signing ten o’clock after this? Security guard 1: No this is fine. Concerned Mother: But this makes […]
What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025Moving Fashion Forward With A Sustainable Fashion Exchange
March 21, 2025Columbia’s Newest Major: Rizzology
March 19, 2025Department of Homeland Security In Columbia Residences, Armstrong Emails Community
March 14, 2025