I lost my Forrest Green North Face with furry hood at Mel’s on 2/7/13. It was on a table by the windows near the door. Reward given if returned. Contact lrg2134@barnard.edu if found!
Lost at Mel’s last night: short, puffy black coat with fake fur around the hood and lipgloss in the pocket. Reward upon return. If found, please contact jef2141@columbia.edu.
Leopard print scarf found in Havemeyer. Can now be found at the lost and found in Low Library.
The second edition of The Encyclopedia of New York City, edited by Columbia’s own NYC expert Professor Kenneth Jackson, is now available. (ABC News) MySpace “surrenders”‘ to Facebook and announces future “integrations” between users’ MySpace and Facebook accounts. (TechCrunch) Vuvuzelas banned at the annual Harvard-Yale football game. (NY Daily News) With Pluto now merely a memory, […]
Spotted on 114th: Purple Panties. (Shudders) What an unfortunate word! What an unfortunate fate for an innocent pair of underwear! Claim your knickers! Meanwhile, they serve as a leaf catcher…
Someone left their shoes by the newspaper thing in Lerner on Monday. The authorities describe the person as “having his/her feet on the wrong feet.”
Lost: Commuters’ shot at evading Barnard’s mandatory meal plan. (Spec) Found: The identity of the 116th street suicide victim. (Spec) Lost: The World Trade Center reconstruction timeline. (NY Post) Found: The High Line’s two-millionth visitor. (Gothamist) Lost: Gov. Paterson’s support for state workers. (NY Daily News) Found: Labor Commissioners’ support for unpaid college interns. (NYT) Lost: Central Park’s (Easter) bunny population. (1010WINS) […]
Thanks to an anonymous tipster, Bwog brings you the latest update from Public Safety: room keys lie scattered on the curb of Amsterdam. Is yours among them? (Cue suspenseful music.)
Bwog Rectangular Object Specialist Anish Bramhandkar made a shocking discovery earlier today: the TV in the Empti Lounge has disappeared. The nefarious TV bandit left the cords dangling, remarkably similar to the hasty dismantlement of Empti’s former froyo titan. Perhaps this thief is also responsible for the rushed disappearance of Columbia’s endowment. UPDATE (4:56 PM): […]
B&W Features Editor Lydia DePillis sends in this artistic and moving plea discovered in the Woodbridge elevator. Poor Isla has lost her mother Elaine’s iPod, and she’s offerring a reward (“and hug!”) to the kind soul who can help her find it. Consider a lost iPod as an analogue to Cinderella’s glass slipper (not like […]
Not that the above was ever a good excuse for, well, anything. But now logging (and hopefully finding) the stuff you lost in the subway or left on that bus bound for god-knows- where is as easy as checking Bwog’s own Lost and Found box (below Events). Behold, the MTA’s all new online Lost and […]
Two tragic tales of lost items to report this morning: Says former 2010 ESC VP Lili Gu: “I lost a camera last night, and was hoping you could help me find it. It’s a Canon Powershot SD400 (I think), has my name Public-Safety-engraved in cursive on one side, and was probably lost somewhere between Furnald and […]
After Bwog posted about a Shapiroite losing her key, we were notified by another student who had lost her iPod Touch. Says the Forgetful: “I last used it at a meeting in Avery Cafe Monday night around 8 PM and am almost sure that I put it back into my bag, but alas it was […]
Quick PSA: One of your classmates has lost her VingCard! The Card was last seen somewhere between John Jay and Schapiro. “I was in Hamilton for a class at 7:30, then walked to JJ’s Place, across in front of Butler, into Morton Williams, and back to Schapiro.” If you have any information about the key’s […]
Bwogger and hawk fan Anna Corke lost her Lerner mail key yesterday – which wouldn’t be that big of a deal if the keychains attached to it weren’t of personal value. One keychain is a surf board with the Brazilian flag on it (from Florianopolis, Brazil) and the other is a beaded Resplendent Quetzal (from San […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025