A love poem written to the most elite Four Loko flavor.
In the latest issue of the Blue & White, contributor Michael Adame chronicles the prohibition. Yeah, we know you still have some in your fridge. There’s not much more to be said about Four Loko; blogs and newspapers alike have breathlessly chronicled the overly social beverage’s quick march into oblivion. In the depths of this […]
The band gave a brief, unsolemn, Orgo-Night-style funeral to the alcoholic energy drink we all just barely knew. More touching images after the jump.
Spotted on 114th: Purple Panties. (Shudders) What an unfortunate word! What an unfortunate fate for an innocent pair of underwear! Claim your knickers! Meanwhile, they serve as a leaf catcher…
Give me Four Loko, or give me death! Or at least don’t ban it. (Spec) In case you haven’t heard yet, we have a Five Guys coming! Their burgers taste good. (DNAinfo) Peek into the lives of Jake and Marty La Salle CC ’07 under the big-top, on a new PBS series. (NYT) Democracy happened […]
Sheen was found drunk and naked in an NYC hotel room–and he was rushed to our very own Columbia Presbyterian Hospital! (People) Check out this Bhagavad Gita piece by PBS, with our own Professor of Sanskrit Sheldon Pollock and Gadadhara Pandit Dasa, Hindu chaplain the Bhakti Club. (Learner) Todd Combs, CBS grad, is slated to […]
Four Loko has inspired more than a few artists in the past, but now one of Columbia’s own has paid homage the ban-inducing alcoholic energy drink. A tipster spotted this hand-crafted door decoration in John Jay. In other freshperson debauchery news, Natty Light and someone’s jeggings were left just outside Carman during a particularly exciting celebration […]
Ramapo College in Mahwah, NJ has banned the alcoholic energy drink Four Loko. Let’s hope this disturbing trend stays in Jersey. Or not. (CBS New York) Princeton’s endowment posted a mere 14.7% gain last year, to Columbia’s 17%. (NYT) The New Museum’s latest exhibit contains a newspaper on the end of newspapers. (Capital NY) This […]
Sometimes we leave our empties on trash cans. Sometimes we can’t be bothered. Other times we throw them at the wall in euphoric rage.
Focus Series Kickoff: Lareina Yee ’95 On Navigating The Modern Workplace
February 4, 2025Focus Series Kickoff: Lareina Yee ’95 On Navigating The Modern Workplace
February 4, 2025Focus Series Kickoff: Lareina Yee ’95 On Navigating The Modern Workplace
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