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Posts Tagged with "mad libs"

Because sometimes, we don’t have an insight.

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Writing essays is a skill that Bwog just doesn’t have time to develop. So here is our go-to guide for spitting out grade B (we hope) midterm exam essays for your two favorite courses. Just fill in the blanks and watch your professor’s boredom grow.  Literature Humanities: This passage, from (old white guy’s last name) […]

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Going to classes is hard, especially when you have 3 midterms and 5 papers to handle. Not to worry, though, Bwog’s got you covered with this perfect mad libs email to let your teacher know why you missed your FroSci discussion class. Dear Professor (your professor’s name), It gives me great (emotion) to inform you that […]

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Momma Bwog knows school is stressful, and she knows that sometimes, you just don’t feel like doing work/would rather watch old episodes of Charmed. So here is Bwog’s template for asking your professor for an extension–insert your own words for every underlined phrase. Dear Professor _____, I am in your boring giant lecture class. I’m […]

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Writing papers on three hours of sleep and two shots of espresso is hard, but slaving away in Butler has its benefits–Bwog’s got the composition process almost down to a science. To help you through this finals season, here are some helpful guidelines for getting your thesis statement from your brain onto the page. Yesterday […]

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Writing papers on three hours of sleep and two shots of espresso is hard, but slaving away in Butler has its benefits–Bwog’s got the composition process almost down to a science. To help you through this finals season, here are some helpful guidelines for getting your thesis statement from your brain onto the page. First […]

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Approaching a potential new friend at Columbia can be super hard; subtly indicating to that person how cool/smart/funny you are without outright showing them your canon of Will-Arnett-as-Gob impressions can be even harder. Bwog has been there! That’s why we’ve prepared these versatile, easy-to-use mad libs for those Sweet ’16ers who haven’t quite broken the […]

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