From New York City, this is AltSpec, in which we collect references to Alma Mater’s dubious deeds in the wider world. This week, while we’re all burrowed deep in Butler, the outside world is busy pointing fingers. A smörgåsbord of topics and lots of straight talk. Jonathan Last’s column in The Weekly Standard has been […]
The Fireside Chat, a chance to sort of meet and sort of greet President Bollinger, is offered every semester to the entire undergraduate student body. Only about 30 students are (randomly, with control of the number of students representing each school) selected to attend this quasi-intimate two-hour session in the presidential mansion, at 60 Morningside […]
Bwog received word today that the famed conservative periodical, the Weekly Standard has published in its most recent issue an adamant critique of Columbia’s Manhattanville expansion, on ideological grounds opposed to eminent domain. Not only is fair alma featured in the piece as an unyielding slumlord, but another surprising character makes a curious appearance. What […]
Living in a thriving Democracy means having your NROTC vote stolen. Native American Columbia students, voiceless no longer. Have you taken a gander at MARSLAC? Sing along: “Oh, who owns New York?” Columbia on its way to discovering the cure to cancer. Catch your first glimpse of the new permanent dean of the medical school […]
Bwog received word that there’s currently a “Manhattanville Expo” set up in Roone. It’s “a great time to ask all the questions you want,” said Adil Ahmed, CCSC VP of Policy. There’s also free food, specifically muffins, doughnuts, apples, juice and coffee.
The Spec returns today, and so does QuickSpec! It’s…Harlem residents once again concerned about the economy. It’s…a CCSC resolution on off-campus events. It’s…a rather different kind of play. It’s…everyone at Columbia using weird language. It’s…Raskolnikov being rejected from Columbia.
The Observer is reporting that Columbia has agreed to pay $14.8 million (or $235 a sq. ft.) for a 62,000 ft. warehouse on Broadway between 130th and 131st. Despatch Moving & Storage, the owners of the warehouse, had agreed in 2007 to sell to the University but the two parties have only now settled on […]
Econ profs bring crisis to the classroom. City food pantries and soup kitchens feel the pinch. Columbia professors, always bailing you out. Manhattanville saves Cotton Club, gobbles up old gas stations. Hurrah! Enjoy your holidays while you still can.
Here are some more activities to keep Mom and Dad busy because Bwog loves you and your parents and because Bwog has secret tour guide aspirations…. Wallach Art Gallery Columbia has its own mini-museum in Schermerhorn! Who knew? The Wallach Gallery’s classy digs will undoubtedly impress your parents. Maybe you’ll even impress them with your […]
The cover story in this week’s Village Voice is an interview with Columbia’s Klaus Jacob, geophysicist and adjunct professor of international and public affairs. Jacob is a big time disaster expert: in the 90s, his research on earthquakes convinced the city to change its building codes. And when he worked for President Clinton, he was […]
New parks! New restaurants! The future of Manhattanville organizing! Bwogger-about-town Lydia DePillis reports (with apologies for the sub-par cell phone photos). It’s taken 20 years and $20 million, and the Harlem Piers waterfront park still isn’t quite open. But a troupe of students got a surprise sneak peek today, as part of a tour featuring […]
PrezBo doesn’t know quite what to do without Brinkley None of these men are quite as sexy as Brinkley Brinkley thinks ROTC wouldn’t want to come back anyway! Not news to Brinkley (…or anyone, really) We’re not sure whose side is right here, but we’re almost certain Brinkley’s on it OK this doesn’t fit the […]
Throwing the baby out with the… bathtub? Even though it is called the Freedom School, there is still homework. Barnard steals fancy new financial aid director from… Columbia! Celebrating forks, knives and spoons. Celebrating Keira Knightley’s new period drama. …and the traditional freshman editorial about being satisfied with imperfections. Welcome to the canon.
Nick Sprayregen may be the loudest Manhattanville holdout, but he’s not the only one. Meet Gurnam Singh, owner of two gas stations on 125th Street. He’s the other holdout to Columbia in Manhattanville, though he’s declined to speak publicly about the wrangling until this month. In an exclusive with the New York Times published Sunday, […]
One professor is miraculously able to be an academic, administrator and mother – without a Time Turner. Another professor, after being educated around the world, pushes the limits of the normative, breaks ground on the topic of globalization, and successfully uses buzzwords while talking to the press. Men’s soccer pushes the limits of the acceptable win […]
Pro-Palestine Student Demonstrators Hold Sit-In In Barnard’s Milstein Center, Nine Individuals Arrested
March 6, 2025“I’m The President Of Barnard”: Barnard President Laura Rosenbury Authors Op-Ed Addressing Student Protests
March 6, 2025Quiz: Which Butler Archetype Are You?
March 5, 2025Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025