But the ULURP committee of Community Board 9 rejected Columbia’s expansion plan for Manhattanville last night, and it looked like a party. Bwog wishes it could have been there, with popcorn. Good thing Atlantic Yards Report was blogging, and Spec was scribing.
You’ve probably forgotten about it, but Manhattanville planning is rolling along in our absence. Here’s Bwog freelancer Emma Jacobs–who has a comparative analysis of university expansions here–with a lightning recap of the recent history. June 4: ULURP is coming! But not yet. The start of Uniform Land Use Review Process of the rezoning that will […]
Well, it seems like Columbia’s made at least one concession to the “Not for Sale” crowd–in a press release dated yesterday, the University said it will not ask the Empire State Development Corporation to use its power of eminent domain to evict anybody living in the new campus’ footprint. As with all Office of Public […]
Besides Chipotle and cute guys, other Things of Consequence have occured in the world of the Heights over the last few days. Here’s a bit of context. PrezBo issued a statement condemning members of a British teachers union who decided to boycott their Israeli counterparts because of their “complicity” in the Jewish state’s oppression […]
He may have baby-sat New York as the crack epidemic left pipes and vials all over city sidewalks and the Crown Heights riots fissured West Indian-Hasidic relations in that neighborhood, but David Dinkins’ opinion still holds sway. A politician with firm roots in the Harlem political establishment, Dinkins wrote an op-ed in support of Columbia’s […]
If you’ve been oblivious to the many attention-grabbing efforts on campus (the chalked stairs in Hamilton are a nice touch), you may not have heard about the SCEG/Postcrypt gallery show going on right now, “Expanding Perspectives: West Harlem,” which opened Friday in the basement of St. Paul’s and features art by both Columbia students and […]
This time, the critics were right. We tried reporting on the Blight demonstration on South Lawn at noon today, which was a protest of Columbia’s lack of transparency in the expansion process and the potential use of eminent doman to obtain the last few properties in Manhattanville that Columbia needs to build its new satellite […]
Steven Thomas stopped by today’s anti-Manhattanville rally, at which South Lawn was declared a blighted zone, and passed on this report: A woman declaring herself to be a long-time resident across the street from Columbia stepped up to the microphone, declaring, “What Columbia isn’t telling you is that they are going to build a Level […]
Domain expansion plan emimminent, waiting for eminent domain Homeless wish they were paid $75 to act homeless The Green Monster? Strippers? In case you’re wondering which Republican to vote for… “I Don’t See Any Snakes In This Eden”
At the same time as the Manhattanville debate is increasingly becoming polarized, Columbia is at the center of another controversy concerning urban planning. This time, the subject is the historical legacy of Robert Moses, who earned his Ph.D. at Columbia in 1914. Moses was responsible for the construction of many of New York City’s highways, […]
If you have been following the news in even the vaguest capacity over the past few years, or if you’ve ever tried to get a computer in Lerner around 1 PM, you’re aware of the major space crunch Columbia is experiencing. But who needs to move into Manhattanville when you have the garage below Uris, […]
Bloomberg to World: We’re more diverse than you! Minutemen are racist, fascist etc. So don’t suspend us for running onto the stage. Recycle your soda cans and call yo-self an activist. Another Manhattanville staredown begins. Wrestling in the Buff for all the marbles.
Bwog tipster Raza Panjwani sent in this picture, a view across the Major Deegan Expressway (I-87) in the Bronx, just south of Yankee Stadium, taken from a Metro North train. The sign on the building reads: Dear Columbia U: The West Harlem Community Knows How to Share. Why Don’t You? STOP THREATENING EMINENT DOMAIN. At […]
UPDATE, Sunday 3:10 PM: As pointed out by a commenter, news of the Business School potentially moving to Manhattanville was amply covered by the Spectator last year. The precise location is unconfirmed. The source for the Economics Department’s cancelled move to Knox Hall is an administrator in the Economics department via a student tipster; this […]
Hillary Clinton Has a Blog Adviser. Squirrel Sets Fire to Dartmouth… …and in unrelated rodent news…Don’t Go Barefoot Anywhere Anymore Eminent Domain Still on the Table. Suburbia Still Not for Judy Zuhusky. Meanwhile, is there an opinion section today? And God said, let there be opinion: “Who the fuck takes cabs?”
Columbia Engineering Student Council Hosts the First Annual SEAS Cardboard Boat Regatta
March 9, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025Pro-Palestine Student Demonstrators Hold Sit-In In Barnard’s Milstein Center, Nine Individuals Arrested
March 6, 2025