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Posts Tagged with "iraq"

Bucket List represents the unbelievable intellectual privilege we enjoy as Columbia students. We do our very best to bring to your attention important guest lecturers and special events on campus. Our recommendations for this week are below and the full list is after the jump. Recommended “Address by Ban Ki-Moon” Monday, April 2, 5:00 pm, Low […]

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Last Thursday, Army General Ray Odierno appeared on the Colbert Report to announce the end of the War in Iraq, and over the weekend, the last U.S. troops rolled across the border from Iraq to Kuwait. Most troops will be home for Christmas, but some 4,000 will remain in Kuwait as a quick reaction force. […]

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Though we’ve already somewhat slyly commented on President Obama’s recent withdrawal of American troops from Iraq, we’ve decided that the event deserves a more thorough discussion. The U.S. has maintained a presence in Iraq since 2003, a.k.a. when most current undergrads were still in elementary and middle school. This war has dominated America’s foreign attention […]

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Oriflammes are gleaming! The rabble is roused! T-shirts are free for the taking! Five Years of War, Five Days of Action has reached its apex out on Low Plaza. A devoted cadre of protesters walked out of class at noon. Though the crowd has dwindled, there’s no reason to think any of the 236 people […]

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It’s a Walk Out

Demonstrations against the war in Iraq continue today with a walk-out happening right now at the sundial, in the middle of a sea of sunbathers, who have splayed themselves out on South Lawn and and on the Low Steps. Check back for continuing coverage of the walkout plus the rumored “dramatic political statement” occurring at […]

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Bwog Lecture Hop Editor Pierce Stanley sends a dispatch with notes on last night’s teach-in about the Iraqi refugee crisis and his new understanding of this week’s series of Iraq War protests. The distinct sound of a bell has been ringing in my head for the last three days, and it’s starting to affect my […]

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State Assemblyman confirms what everyone already knows, Morningside Heights is old and has lots of pretty buildings. Iraq activists: Ring my bell, wash my flag. Columbia’s killing cancer.  Cool! Columbia students are hot for Hookah. Smart Women Securities for Females in Finance. GSSC election circus continues.   

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Bwog heard a high pitched, triangle-like pulse emanating from College Walk, and upon closer inspection, noticed that a funeral service being held for those killed in Iraq since the beginning of the war.  The protest is called “5 Years of Occupation, 5 Days of Action” and the leaders of the protest are marked by their […]

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The Three Trillion Dollor War: The True Cost of the Iraq Conflict is Nobel Prize-winning, globally-thinking Columbia prof Joseph Stiglitz’s new book. The book posits that Bush’s cost estimates for the war in Iraq were incorrect—the administration cited a $200 billion figure—and that the Iraq conflict will cost almost double that of WWI, putting the […]

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So the U.S has been fighting this war for the past few years– you may have heard of it. It’s taken a lot of lives, cost a lot of money, and generally spiraled into a mess of civil war, religious strife, torture, and global disapproval. Listening to Ambassador Hamid Al Bayati recite his government’s policy […]

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Dirty Sanchez

We probably should have mentioned something about this earlier, but we plead subconsciously willful ignorance. Let’s make it quick, then: the recent Shattered Glass-lite semi-scandal over at The New Republic heavily involves one Cpl. Matt “Rod Majors” Sanchez, who was used as a source for accusations of fictionalization. Surprised?  You probably know the story already, but here it is again: Allegations from The Weekly […]

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Our man in Anbar

Because Bwog doesn’t do hot, sandy or constantly-in-existential-danger, Iraq didn’t quite make it into our summer plans. Not so for Matt Sanchez, GS,  who has been blogging out of the war-torn country for the past couple of weeks. What the hell’s gotten into the conservative activist, military man, Spec opinion writer, American studies major and […]

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Think your summer plans are exciting? Well porn legend turned Marine corporal turned conservative activist Matt Sanchez has you beat. Eschewing the safety of comparatively calmer destinations (Eastern Chad, for instance?), Sanchez has traveled to a certain far-away quagmire of death squads, roadside bombs and internecine warfare–namely Iraq. Not satisfied with American media coverage of the […]

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War of Words, on War

Last night, Columbia poli-sci professors Robert Jervis and Richard Betts tag-teamed Mount St. Vincent’s College’s Joseph Skelly on the situation in Iraq and Bwog artist Rachel Lindsay was on scene. This one was begging for a cartoon.  

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Parody QuickBwog satirizes us and you, Bwog readers, alike. And now we’re QuickFedding it. How meta is that? Thankfully, it wasn’t difficult to come up with a “ridiculously forced theme” for the rest of the issue: Mock Bored@Butler Mock GoAskAlice Mock IMDB Mock Bush Iraq Strategy, including cartoons inexplicably anthropomorphizing bunnies and carrots Mock…er, real interview with […]

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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
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