All the reasons—from A to Z—that you should come to Bwog’s opening meeting: join us tonight at 9 pm, we’re in Lerner 510.
As finals season slowly creeps in, it’s difficult to keep track of anything. Exactly how much did you sleep yesterday? Have you eaten at all? How many friends do you still have left? While we have been imparting priceless wisdom to the hopeless masses of Morningside Heights, you would think Bwog has its shit together…but we have […]
Another semester has passed. Half of your 70000$ tuition is down the drain. You have been going every financial/investment banking/consulting events, but you still don’t know if you really want to go down that path. Maybe you are unsatisfied with your majors. Maybe you still don’t know what you want to study. Maybe you don’t know […]
Wondering what that bitter, metallic taste in your mouth is? A mix of regret and shame, a lot of alcohol and probably a small portion of leftover vomit hiding in the deep crevices of your eating hole! After a day of excessive drinking, Bwog is here to help you ease the hangover, so you can […]
Today is the annual Reconciliation Day. It is time to make up with those exes that break up with you through text messages, with those friends that stabbed you at the back, with those friends at whose back you stabbed, with that special someone who faded out your life, with whom you shared a complicated, […]
Like, you need to come to Bwog meetings. Because 1) Like, we are actually cool. 2) Like, we are an integral part of the lives of Columbian students. 3) Like, we are quirky, fun and edgy. 4) Like, we have juicy secrets, about many things! You will never say the C word again without being reminded of […]
If you are like us, having spectacular insights on social issues (ex: complaining about clanking pipes that keep us awake at night) and a passion for investigative journalism (ex: summarizing a blog post about the properties that Columbia owns), you would probably realize that NBA, Super bowl, and valentines day are all conspiracies of capitalism. […]
Let’s be honest: that meme you’ve been planning on posting on Columbia buy sell memes isn’t that funny, but we’re sure that you’ll have some great pitches up your sleeve. If you need something to do besides scroll through hilarious posts, come to our Bwog meeting tonight in Lerner 505 at 7! We’ll distract you from finals with some […]
Yes, we know what you’re thinking. It is three days before Thanksgiving…but what exactly can we be thankful for? Your friends called CAVA on you last night. Now, you have trust issues and a $500 bill to pay. On top of that, you have a 3000-word essay due tomorrow at noon on the rhetorics of […]
In difficult, stirring times like this, Bwog would like to invite you to Lerner 505 at 7 p.m., to remind you of the felicitous things in life. We have cheap jokes, bad puns, and grapes from Trader Joe’s that even the most divisive members of our comment section would join hands and agree are objectively […]
If you find yourself trick-or-treating in MoHi or some other borough of New York City for Halloween, you might want to come to Lerner 505 at 7 p.m. today for a ~spooky~ Bwog meeting, where we will be discussing all the Halloween-y stuff, such as Trump’s toupee, Hillary’s emails, and the NRA. Okay, we are […]
Last week, many members of the Bwog staff drowned in midterms. If you are a student that wishes to reach out to our fallen members, join us in a seance with our medium: chocolate covered pretzels. In order to move on from this painful incident, bring ideas and pitches to help the spirits cross over. Don’t worry about being scared, […]
Get that epiphany immediately after turning in your Calc midterm that you fucked it up? Are you preparing to stay up all night, barfing words (The author utilizes…) onto your computer just to finish your UWriting essay for tomorrow morning? Did you just wake up? 5:00p.m? Beside the rodent that you named after your best friend […]
Somebody famous once said “For six days, work is to be done, but the seventh day shall be your holy day, a day of sabbath rest”. We here at Bwog agree wholeheartedly, and not just because we follow all 10 or 613 or whatever number of commandments govern our lives—not that we even consistently follow any […]
Join the editors of the Blue and White tonight at 8pm in the Dodge Room in Earl Hall. (Indeed, the meetings this semester will not be in the basement of St. Paul’s–you’ll find the gospel choir there instead on Monday evenings.) If you’re interested in writing, illustrating, or editing for our sister publication, bring your ideas! Snacks […]
In Defense Of: Using An Umbrella In The Snow
December 28, 2024An Oral History Of The Barnumbia Mascots
December 26, 2024A Personal Analysis Of Columbia’s Principles Of Economics Class: Ignoring Reality
December 14, 2024A Personal Analysis Of Columbia’s Principles Of Economics Class: Ignoring Reality
December 14, 2024