Editor’s Note: Hello again! Nice to finally be back up. Unfortunately, our events system might have taken the entire site down with it for the past few days, but our crack team of computer whiz kids finally were able to go in and revive the blog. That, or the blog achieved sentience and decided to […]
At Bwog headquarters Event listings on Bwog now include images! This means all those hours you spent on Photoshop creating clever posters for your event won’t go to waste — instead of exiling your work to a dusty bulletin board somewhere in Wallach, you can have it posted on Bwog for thousands to see. […]
As of last month, Bwog has turned three years old, and is looking forward to a full set of teeth, complete sentences, counting, and eating as many Lucky Charms as possible. Mmm, tiny marshmallows. As such, you are pleasantly informed that the third anniversary of our birth will be celebrated on Friday at La Negrita […]
Tonight: Blue and White meeting, 9:30 PM, catacombs of St. Paul’s Chapel. We’ll be opening the floor to pitches for our upcoming April issue, meaning there will be many opportunities to claim and suggest article ideas. The meeting will, of course, also include the time-honored traditions of finger-jousting (pictured at right) and cookies. Writers, editors, […]
Dear readers, We’ve spent the last month or so road-testing the new design, while combing through your feedback, and today we’re unveiling the new New Bwog. We’ve done our best to listen to your comments, bringing back the centered scroll and serif type that many of you favored. We’ve also revamped the logo (that’s Low […]
Tonight: Blue and White meeting, 9:30 PM, catacombs of St. Paul’s Chapel. We’ll be opening the floor to pitches for our upcoming April issue, meaning there will be many opportunities to claim and suggest article ideas. The meeting will, of course, also include the time-honored traditions of finger-jousting (pictured at left right) and cookies. Writers, […]
A reminder to all writers, editors, artists, poets and friends — both old and new (especially new) — tonight is the first Blue and White meeting of the new semester. 9:30 PM in the catacombs of St. Paul’s Chapel. We’ll be discussing story ideas for upcoming issues, so if you’ve ever wanted to get involved […]
Prospective Bwoggers – just a reminder that applications for our daily editorships are due tonight at midnight. Send the following (and any questions) to bwog@columbia.edu: 1. Five (5) QuickSpec headlines for any issue from this week. 2. One (1) previous Bwog post you liked and why. 3. One (1) previous Bwog post you didn’t like […]
Bwog’s in the market for a daily editor or two for the new semester. The job: writing the various posts for your designated day (QuickSpecs, free food, gossip, etc.), covering breaking news, and generally running the Bwog’s minute-to-minute operations. Perks include scaring administrators, advance free food knowledge, the chance to write witty headlines, and free […]
Dear readers, After more than two years with the same front page, we have decided that Bwog is in need of another makeover. The new version will be launching today, and we’ve kept pretty much all of the features that we had before, merely reorganizing them for an even more streamlined look. We have added […]
With the New Year just under ten hours away (for East Coasters), Bwog waves goodbye to 2008. If you’re around New York, and enjoy a big party, there’s always the Times Square celebration (where police expect a million people this year). We have already written our year in review, but the new year also brings […]
Before you relive your halcyon days of Fall 08, an announcement: As of January, James Downie (of Political Weekly and Sports… on Bwog! fame, and the fantastic reporter and writer behind our NROTC coverage, among other things) will be taking over as Bwog Editor. Many daily editors and other staffers will be staying on, but […]
There’s a silence over campus, which will only be punctured by tonight’s Primal Scream. Heads hunched in Butler or in dorm rooms, the collective Columbia population slogs through the start of exam week. Ugh. But we at the Bwog wanted to focus on the light at the end of the tunnel – all those things […]
The December issue of The Blue and White — our Denominational Domination issue — will be on stands (and online) later this week. In the meantime, here’s something to read besides your old class notes. “O Ye of Little Faiths” by Alexandra Muhler While Columbia is an institution regularly accused of godlessness, our Student Governing […]
The semester’s last issue of The Fed is out online! Advice for when you go home Chanukkah vs. Christmas Some vacation possibilities Courses you do not want to take Always remember, kids: when you ask the Blue and White‘s blog to link to you, leave out that you’ve made fun of us And congratulations to […]
In Defense Of: Using An Umbrella In The Snow
December 28, 2024An Oral History Of The Barnumbia Mascots
December 26, 2024A Personal Analysis Of Columbia’s Principles Of Economics Class: Ignoring Reality
December 14, 2024A Personal Analysis Of Columbia’s Principles Of Economics Class: Ignoring Reality
December 14, 2024