Hoping to avoid a freshman flop era? Steer clear of Bwog’s past mistakes and heed our advice so you don’t foul up your first year at Barnumbia.
At our beloved Bookstore, you can buy strange and ostentatious shit. Why? Because Roar Lion! But apparently their selection isn’t only limited to Columbia apparel. You can also purchase the inconsistently capitalized “Columbia Lions adidas TShirt.” But it’s not ‘Columbia Lions’ at all! It’s actually a Central Connecticut State University tee. Go figure, their colors […]
The New York Times is reporting that federal investigators uncovered the existence of some crazy shit at a prestigious Columbia brain-scanning lab: Scientists regularly injected patients with a commonly used low-level radioactive substance that might have had traces of dangerous chemicals. Then some staffers tried to cover it up by forging documents. Um! An internal […]
Everyone had a good time at GS Class Day. There was a brass band, there was a Korean pop star, and there was a Valedictorian named Brian Corman who made a speech. This was not an unusual thing for a Valedictorian to do, but Mr. Corman did something out of the ordinary: he stole a […]
-Photo via Medicaltourismmag.com Today is the last day to switch your classes to pass/fail, so if the pre-spring break midterm you just got back was not quite what you expected, switch now or take the letter grade. Bwog’s chief grading transition expert Julia Mix Barrington alerted us that, for Barnard students, the switch to pass/fall […]
Late last night, we reported that the Hungarian Pastry Shop would soon be offering Flex. Well, about that: It turns out that it’s actually Sip that is going to be soon accepting Flex–a fact that’s been confirmed to Bwog by Michael Novielli of Student Auxiliary and Business Services–and the Hungarian was accidentally mislabeled in our […]
Late-night news in “Giant Inflatable Penis-gate,” as the queer community has moved quickly to respond to the controversial editorial published in Wednesday’s Spectator. In addition to the factual errors, the editorial is also attracting controversy for alleging that Queer Awareness Month “must be sure to focus on awareness and education before revelry.” The “revelry” in […]
An amused tipster — who has thoughtfully already coined the phrase “Giant Inflatable Penis-Gate” — has just pointed Bwog in the director of Spec‘s recent correction to this morning’s staff editorial on Queer Awareness Month. The correction reads: “Because of an editorial mistake, the original version misstated that Columbia Queer Alliance was responsible for Queer […]
Shocking Report from Bwog tipster Hillary Busis: The fire alarm in East Campus has gone off three times in about thirteen hours. According to Public Safety, it’s not a fire drill, just a malfunctioning alarm. And they have “people working on it.” Stay strong, EC.
Cupcakes: The all-purpose graphic! Perfect for film reviews. And articles about cupcakes. Barnard flooded with drawings of stick figures burning bras Also: an actual flood GSSC VP resigns, explains “I have an off-campus apartment now […] I can only do so many things at once.”
Collegeboxes screws up deliveries, not that’s it’s anything new. U.S. News screws up Barnard’s rankings. How much can Bill Clinton tell you about saving the world? Spec tells PrezBo and Shapiro to be careful on this one… This is just terrible!
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025