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Posts Tagged with "morningside almanac"

Stop by Columbia’s Greenmarket on your way to class for tasty fresh fruit, vegetables, baked goods, and everything else delicious. The Greenmarket is every Thursday and Sunday—enjoy! A brief spate of warm weather will bring in the last of the summer produce, and ripens the produce of fall. Come by the info table to see […]

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It seems hard to believe that any plant life could have survived the muggy, oppressively hot disgustingness that was the weather yesterday. The Columbia Greenmarket, however, is back in action and proving our fiery-doomsday premonitions wrong. Here’s what to look forward to for today: It feels like the middle of summer but the market is […]

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It’s baaaacckkkkk.  Well actually, you’re back–the Greenmarket’s been holding down the fort while you were out.  The Columbia Greenmarket is on Broadway between 114th and 116th every Thursday and Sunday.  Here are this week’s highlights: Lavender By The Bay is back, get something that smells nice! Thanks to the weather and season, there’s tons of delicious […]

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At long last! May has arrived and, with it, hordes of pasty-white legs that haven’t seen the sun since September (or your spring break trip to Cancun but whatever we’re definitely not bitter). As you sit outside and skip class enjoy the beautiful weather, you have the perfect opportunity to explore Columbia’s Greenmarket! Nothing goes […]

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As the Sun slowly but surely peeks its head out from behind the clouds, Columbia is transforming from a desolate wasteland into a pretty nice place to live. Take a break from stressing about how finals are coming up, or finding a job this summer, or that fucking jackhammer that’s right below your window — […]

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It’s finally Thursday! If that’s not reason for celebration, we don’t know what is. Chase away those lingering winter blues and celebrate the sun slightly warmer weather at Columbia’s Greenmarket! As always, the greenmarket is open year-round on Sundays and Thursdays and accepts credit, debit, and EBT. There is food scrap collection for compost every […]

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In three days, the Columbia campus will wake up disgustingly late and ridiculously hungover. Why? Because Bacchanal is this Saturday! And we don’t know about you, but we fully plan to make some decisions worth regretting. In preparation for your coming poor choices, give yourself something not to regret — go explore the Columbia Greenmarket […]

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Happy Thursday y’all! Breathe in that smell of sweet sweet freedom! Don’t you think you deserve a treat for getting this far? Unless you have Friday classes, in which case you can return to your study cave and cry could definitely use some brain food! Congratulate yourself for another kickass week with some goodies from […]

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Just because Spring Break is over doesn’t mean that you have to stop gorging yourself on delicious food! Pretend like you’re still on break with a trip to the Columbia Greenmarket. But wait! There’s more! This week the food is extra yummy so you can make your Passover/ Easter/ regular weekend crazy delicious. As always, […]

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Happy double-holiday, Columbians! With both Spring Break and St. Patrick’s Day on the horizon, it might be time to stock up for the weekend’s festivities with some tasty treats from the Columbia Greenmarket! What better way is there to recover from a green beer hangover than with some locally made deliciousness? As always, the greenmarket […]

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Midterms getting you down? Think back — when was the last time you left Butler had a good meal? The last time you saw daylight ate food that wasn’t prepackaged? The last time you heard laughter had a *gasp* vegetable? If you can’t remember the answer to that question, it might be time to go […]

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Looking for a little pick-me-up after that chemistry/ biology/ history/ underwater basket weaving midterm kicked your ass? Look no further than the Columbia Greenmarket! Extract your nose from your textbooks, take a much needed study break, and go support your community! As always, the greenmarket is open year-round on Sundays and Thursdays and accepts credit, […]

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Ah, Valentine’s day. Whether you take today as an opportunity to make your lover a locally-grown feast, or as a time to gorge yourself on chocolate, the Columbia Greenmarket is there for you! Take a break from loving/ crying/ pretending-not-to-care/ actually-not-caring and come support your community! As always, the greenmarket is open year-round on Sundays […]

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As Valentine’s Day approaches, it’s never too early to be thinking about what to get that special someone. Nothing says “I care about you… and my community” like some locally made candies! Or, if love’s not your scene, stop by to get some ingredients for your Mardi Gras feast (Furnald kitchens here we come!). As […]

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A new semester means more chances for you to go to Columbia’s delicious greenmarket! Go buy yourself some yummy, farm-fresh food and take a break from the massive amounts of reading you already have piling up.  As always, the greenmarket is open year-round on Sundays and Thursdays and accepts credit, debit, and EBT. There is […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
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