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Posts Tagged with "places you can use flex"

It’s baaaacckkkkk.  Well actually, you’re back–the Greenmarket’s been holding down the fort while you were out.  The Columbia Greenmarket is on Broadway between 114th and 116th every Thursday and Sunday.  Here are this week’s highlights: Lavender By The Bay is back, get something that smells nice! Thanks to the weather and season, there’s tons of delicious […]

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It appears that most of our favorite farms made it through Sandy unscathed. The Columbia Greenmarket is up and running as usual today. As always, check it out on Broadway between 114th and 116th every Thursday and Sunday. The market accepts credit, debit, and EBT. The market is open as usual! Sunny skies via Wikimedia […]

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Get yer locally grown organics on at the Columbia Greenmarket.  On Broadway between 114th and 116th every Thursday and Sunday.  As always, here are ze highlights: On Sundays the market collects food scraps for compost from 8 am to 1 pm and textiles for recycling frim 8 am to 3 pm Thursdays, ongoing: volunteers needed!  […]

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Wondering what all those tents on Broadway between 114th and 116th are?  Wonder no more: it’s the Columbia Greenmarket!  Every Thursday and Sunday the market is here with tons of fresh goodies to augment your, ah, nutritious and filling John Jay/Ferris/Koronets diet.  Each Thursday, Bwog has the highlights: It’s nearly September, meaning TONS OF DELICIOUS […]

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Still haven’t stopped by the greenmarket this year?! What are you thinking!??!  Just 3 weeks before you’ve missed your chance, SENIORS.  As always, the highlights: Welcome back Hodgson Farms today by checking out their plants, flowers, and more BIG EXCITING NEWS: Stop by Mark’s stand this Sunday to order an Tundra Brewery KEG in time […]

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Every Thursday and Sunday from 114th to 116th on Broadway, the Columbia greenmarket comes ’round to provide a bit of stability to your hectic city life.  Likewise, every Thursday we’re here to give you the highlights: Today Lani’s Farm will have bunches of asparagus.  Get to the market early for this first spring treat! This […]

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Every Thursday and Sunday the Columbia Greenmarket serves as a staple of stability, holding camp on Broadway between 114th and 116th.  As always, we bring you the highlights: Ah, spring, when cute baby animals are born and eggs are created.  And how good would that egg taste for your breakfast!  Hens have begun laying, so […]

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Maybe it’s not as warm as it was a few days ago, but it’s still springtime!  Get out there and enjoy it with your favorite neighborhood farmers at the Columbia Greenmarket, on Broadway between 114th and 116th every Thursday and Sunday.  This week’s highlights gets you involved: Everything you see at the market began as […]

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Pining for the sandy white beaches and perfect weather you just came back from? Chase away your week-after-Spring Break blues at the Columbia Greenmarket every Thursday and Sunday between 114th and 116th on Broadway.  Spring means new items are popping up every week!  As always, we bring you the highlights: Take home a potted tulip […]

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All your friends leaving you here to go to a beautiful exotic location get trashed on the beach in Cancun?  Not to fret–the Columbia Greenmarket is here for you!  Every Thursday and Sunday on Broadway between 114th and 116th, they provide the food, we provide the highlights: Good news for EBT customers!  Spend $5 at the […]

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Hey – did you notice how beautiful the weather is right now?  Put on pants, leave your room, and go walk around!  While you’re doing so, be sure to check out the Greenmarket which is here, as always, every Thursday and Sunday between 114th and 116th on Broadway.  Below, see this week’s highlights: Gajeski Produce […]

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Every Thursday and Sunday, the Greenmarket comes round between 114th and 116th on Broadway.  Bwog urges you to treat yo self 2012 in preparation for Galentine’s Day and stop by.  Here are the highlights: This Sunday, show your famers some well-deserved love by stopping by market info to fill out food-centric Valentines for your favorite farmer, locavore […]

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Thursdays and Sundays between 114th and 116th on Broadway the Greenmarket gives you reasons to leave your dorm.  Every Thursday, Bwog tells you what those reasons are.  Check out this week’s highlights: Giants? Patriots? We all know the Super Bowl is REALLY about the food (and maybe the commercials…).  Stop by the market info table […]

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Apparently Columbia students aren’t the only ones getting grades in Morningside Heights. Our favorite neighborhood restaurants were undergoing some pretty intense midterms of their own, recently, and according to the New York Health Department’s most recent data analysis, they didn’t do so well. DNA Info and amNY report that the Morningside zip code (which it’s […]

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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
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