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Posts Tagged with "night market"

Kick off your weekend right by attending the biggest event of the fall semester, Night Market! There will be a variety of performances, such as a cappella, lion dance, sketch comedy, and bhangra. Be sure to stop by Low Plaza at 6 pm to see some amazing talent and grab some grub.   night market […]

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New York City is packed with amazing culture and inspiring art, but sometimes it’s difficult to break the Morningside-bubble and experience it all first-hand. “Where Art Thou” is a weekly guide to interesting and notable lectures, events, and performances for the literary/musically/theatrically-inclined on campus. On Campus Love performing arts and looking to broaden your horizons? Then […]

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After her grandmother told her she needed a life After getting sick of sitting in the library, festival fanatic Claire Friedman went to check out Night Market in a much-needed break from the Butler midterms grind. In the amount of time I’ve spent stressing about midterms this week, I could watch the entirety of Lost, fly […]

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Congratulations to CSC for last night’s unforgettable Night Market. Amidst the food trucks, the performances, and the dragon dance, there was a huge turnout and all left satisfied. Food was eaten, drums were beaten, and halloweekend kicked off to a great start. Photo by Elyse DeWitt

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That throbbing noise you hear outside is the sound of Columbia students coming together for a rare moment of honest-to-goodness community. Head over to Low Plaza for the Chinese Students Club’s Night Market 2011: CU LIGHTS!  from 6 to 9 pm for an evening filled with free food, raffles, and sick student performances from Raw […]

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Take a break from your Facebook study break and go check out the Chinese Students Club’s Night Market 2010: CU EXPO on Low Plaza. There will be much food (possibly even free, if you pull the right strings), performances, and fun to be had. In this time of seemingly unending midterms despair, this is a […]

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If you smell the sweet smell of community wafting off Low Plaza this evening, don’t be alarmed: it’s only Night Market, the Chinese Student Club’s annual outdoor mega-mixer. Always one of the most popular fall events on campus, Night Market unites many of Columbia’s finest ethnic-food-toting, prop-slinging, limb-flailing clubs for a night of performances and […]

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CSC Night Market

In case you missed what’s what happened on Low Plaza this evening, the CSC Night Market brought a different sort of lion to life: Photos by Justin Vlasits. A handful more after the jump.

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