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Posts Tagged with "no arugula here"

On this week’s Cooking with Bwog, our resident fruit fanatic Matt Powell reveals some of the wonderful things you can do with berries. Strawberry Shortcake Makes 4 shortcakes Ingredients 1 C cake flour 2 tbsp. sugar ½ tbsp. baking powder A dash of salt 4 tbsp. butter 1 egg 1/6 C cream Turbinado sugar (or […]

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In this week’s Cooking With Bwog, resident snack chef Matt Powell serves up something even the least culinary competent can easily create! It’s tough work to be a full-time foodie. It takes a lot of time: time to grocery shop, time to menu plan, time to cook, time to eat. So what happens when the foodie […]

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When the weather sucks, sometimes you need a good comfort food. Bwog’s resident marinara maestro, Matt Powell, found himself craving marinara after a recent monsoon. In this edition of Cooking with Bwog, he teaches us how to make the simple sauce, and offers a lamb ragú with a topping of minted ricotta for the more […]

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In this week’s Cooking With Bwog, resident herb expert Matt Powell explains how to care for your herbs and use them in delicious dishes. At the Union Square GreenMarket, Matt picked up purple basil, lavender, lemon thyme, tarragon, and oregano. Questions about other types of herbs should be directed to our other herb expert, Snoop […]

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In this week’s Cooking with Bwog, resident culinary maestro Matt Powell teams up with his friend, fiendish cheese connoisseur Amanda Tien, to bring you some bread and cheese combinations so fancy they make you feel bougie just lookin’ at ’em! Course #1: Mango Ginger Chutney To start, a savory pairing. Start off with a fil-a-buster […]

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It’s midterms season and we know you’re craving comfort food, so let Bwog’s resident pasta master Matt Powell show you how to make some noodles for noshing in this week’s Cooking with Bwog. Mom’s Old Fashioned Mac ‘N’ Cheese Serves 6-8 Ingredients 1 lb. macaroni 2 tbsp. butter 10 pearl onions, peeled and chopped 3 […]

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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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