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Posts Tagged with "wine"

Today’s Bwoglines is heady, complex, a little earthy… with a hint of oak.

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Bucket List represents the intellectual privilege we enjoy as Columbia students. We do our very best to bring to your attention important guest lecturers and special events on campus. Our recommendations for this sparsely populated reading week are below, with no specifically recommended events. If you notice any events that have been left off the […]

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This week’s Whine & Cheez reviews Josh Ostrovsky’s, or as he is better known on Instagram as The Fat Jew, debut wine label. Since White Girl Rosé’s debut in the summer of 2015, The Fat Jew has issued a sparkling Rosé called BABE, which is Oprah’s personal favorite, and Family Time Is Hard, a Pinot Grigio delicious […]

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Celebrate the start of this Fall season by getting lost in a corn maze in Maryland. Oh, and did we mention that maze is shaped like Taylor Swift’s face? (MTV) Now that Brosé season is officially over, here is a list of wines for you to enjoy this autumn. (The Guradian) New York Fashion Week […]

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We sent two baby Bwoggers to their 11 am FroSci lecture as they guzzled a bottle or two of the cheapest white wine International had to offer (−OH, ya feel?). Throughout the lecture, they managed to develop a drinking game AND learn about black holes (though we all know that their consumption induced them into their own black hole of drunkenness). […]

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Now that it’s reading week, we’re transitioning from Bwoglines to Bwog In Bed. Are you really spending these next couple of days studying, or are you just listening to Drake and drinking wine in your room? Let us know in the comments! Bwogline: You’ve all probably read Le Petit Prince, whether in English as a child or […]

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Did you know that Bwog was an armchair oenologist? Neither did we, until today. Please raise your Nalgenes as we venture together into the mysterious world of wine columns. We hope to be bringing back whatever wisdom we can garner from free tastings at International, instructional YouTube videos, and the notoriously inconsequential conjectures of the […]

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“People like chocolate. People like wine. Let’s put them together.” When we spotted ChocoVine featured prominently at the front of our fair International the other day, the first thing we wanted to see was the supply and demand curve used in the slide deck that eventually produced this abomination. The second thing we wondered was […]

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In this week’s Cooking with Bwog, resident culinary maestro Matt Powell teams up with his friend, fiendish cheese connoisseur Amanda Tien, to bring you some bread and cheese combinations so fancy they make you feel bougie just lookin’ at ’em! Course #1: Mango Ginger Chutney To start, a savory pairing. Start off with a fil-a-buster […]

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Comestibles and potables to look out for at the Greenmarket today: Spinach at Gonzales Farms Mushrooms at Madura Farm (They suggest using oyster mushrooms in a satay because of their “wonderful aroma when cooked.”) Parsnips at Stannard’s Farm Fresh chèvre cheese at Ardith Mae 2 for $20 Chardonnay sale at Food & Wine Cathy Erway from Not […]

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A view from John Jay 10. Thanks to Chris McGinn, CC ’13, for sending this in!

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The Visual Arts Class of 2009 will have a double celebration for their work and thesis exhibitions today. The most artistically inclined among us will be hosting Open Studios at Watson Hall at 612 115th Street and Broadway from 4-6. The Thesis Exhibition Opening will follow from 6-8 at the Neiman Gallery in Dodge. Remember […]

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What would Saturday night be with out a dance party in Lerner, free food and student association spirit? Bwog simply does not know.  Tonight brings you not just Ahimsa and the HSO’s celebration of Diwali, one of the most important Indian holidays of the year, but also the Korean Students Association’s rendition of Pojangmacha – […]

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Classes are tough, the economy is bad, life is hard. But drinking is always good. Unfortunately in recent times, we’ve have seen our drinking habits suffer due to Columbia’s war on fun and the economy’s war on our wallets.   When a bar tab on any given night out easily runs upwards of $25, the simple […]

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