For our young NSOP-ers, the academic year has already begun. Intrepid Iliad-er and Feisty Freshperson Garrett Donnelly gives us his report of the first Lit Hum lecture. So we all walk into Roone Arledge Auditorium, each with our slightly dusty copies of The Iliad (thank God for the three-day weekend), to inaugurate our class’ entrance […]
NSOP is basically over except for the optional neighborhood tours (we’d recommend the dessert tour of NYC), but the fun will never stop. In case you’ve been living under a rock, or in Furnald—and check out this Furnald Tumblr, by the way—here’s what’s been going on. Send info or your desire to write about your experiences to […]
It’s Friday, Friday, gotta wake up on Friday…Congrats freshpeople! You’ve survived most of NSOP so far and have only a few days left before those dreaded classes. But you’re probably excited for them to start anyway. As you prepare for NSOP weekend, remember to stock up on food, condoms and anything else you think you’ll […]
Between the glossy admissions fliers and the rowdy Facebook posts from your friends who went to state schools, you might be feeling a little confused about what NSOP is truly supposed to be. Well, here’s what we thought about our own NSOPs… Maud, BC’15: I thought NSOP was incredibly disappointing. By the end of the […]
Ridiculous NSLOP tips keep pouring in, so we thought we’d share some with you. Use our anonymous tip form or email us at Dean Awn has lots of school spirit. We love Dean Awn (remember this?) Slow down there: freshman boy coming out of ruggles on Monday night with freshman girl: “that one shot […]
Rise and shine, freshlings! There are boring NSOP events to attend and selfies to take with Alma! As you prep for your 50th trip to Bed, Bath, and Beyond, we’ll let you know what’s hip and happenin’ on this beautiful NSOP morning. As always, send anything and everything NSOP-related to or use our anonymous tip form. […]
We’re only a few days in, and already things are getting sloppy. Remember to send in your tips to, or use our anonymous tip form. First-years, write about your experiences, and be on the lookout for applications to join our staff. Gossip: Columbia Admirers is back, kinda. This website links to this Facebook page. […]
Our school is so pretty. Thanks, Instagram, and GS student Dan Burkhardt.
After two days of NSOP, you can officially call yourself an old pro at this game. Slug down some OJ and eat away that hangover you still have from Sunday night to prepare for the day that NSOP and your clingy roommate both start to feel overrated. Keep trying to impress everyone with your SAT score […]
Pay attention, freshpeople! Soon you’ll be thrust into a world where it seems like everyone speaks in TLA’s. Have no fear though—Bwog’s always posted this little guide to Columbia acronyms and initialisms, and we’ve updated the list for this year. The shrewd freshperson will write these on flashcards and memorize them all before arriving on […]
It’s that time of year again…you’ve got questions, we’ve got answers. Send ’em to Dear Bwog, I am a first year wondering if it is allowed to ship a mini-fridge to school. Also, is there only one fridge allowed in a dorm room? Thank you! – Hungry in Hamilton Dear Hungry, The answer to […]
For the young freshlings moving in today, it’s the first Monday of the REST OF THEIR LIVES. Here are the highlights. Overheards: “Lots of OLs are getting tipped for moving people in, up to $10 for a family I’ve heard” “Last night 2 RAs were locked on the roof of Carman Hall by a group […]
Here’s an old favorite from NSOP 2006. Send your own first night stories to to inspire the freshlings. It’s your first day at Columbia. Mom and Dad just drove back to New Jersey, and you are ready to celebrate your newfound freedom. But wait. Shit! You’ve heard that Columbia is an awful party school. […]
In case you haven’t already figured this out, almost all of your conversations during NSOP are going to consist of exchanging the same boring facts about your life with strangers. You’re stuck cycling through the same intro until you either find something you can make awkward conversation about or you decide not to be friends. […]
If you haven’t already noticed the cheering OLs, herds of lost-looking students, or crying parents, welcome to the first day of NSOP! If you ARE a cheering OL, a herd of lost students, or a crying parent, then you probably already knew that. If you’re interested in writing about anything from your NSOP experience to your weird new roommate […]
What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025Moving Fashion Forward With A Sustainable Fashion Exchange
March 21, 2025Columbia’s Newest Major: Rizzology
March 19, 2025Department of Homeland Security In Columbia Residences, Armstrong Emails Community
March 14, 2025