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Posts Tagged with "nyu diaries"

 -Photo via NYULocal Ah, to think it was only a few days ago that TBNYU‘s tame “Study Breakdown” turned into a full-out riot(ous dance party in a cafeteria). Hey, we know about that student mutiny stuff around here, right? You can relive the 36 hours that changed everything, all liveblogged (except when the guy writing it […]

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 – W.M. Akers According to NYULocal: “The third floor of Kimmel has been cleared and no arrests made. None of the 13 demands of TBNYU! have been met and there were never any extensive meetings with the administration about meeting them.” Earlier today, our old NYU correspondent W.M. Akers, now with the Washington Square News, filed […]

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Columbia isn’t the only New York school with an activist, environmentalist campus. Well, okay, maybe. NYU Diarist W.M. Akers ponders the not-so-radical nature of environmental activism below 14th street. We can probably pinpoint the moment when environmentalism went mainstream to Al Gore’s Oscar acceptance speech. From then on, it was a steady march to bio-degradeable […]

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April is not just Poetry Month, it’s also Earth Awareness Month. W.M. Akers reports on NYU’s valiant awareness-raising nude protest/celebration. A civic-minded group of students took to the streets outside of the  main NYU buildings today, exhibiting their bodies and their concern for the environment. Timing their small march to coincide with the gap in […]

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The past week was also NYU’s spring break, and our downtown diarist found himself on a cross-country sojourn to the City of Angels. He has since returned eastward with harrowing and enlightening tales of Southern California. Probably we should all move to California. Not for the sun or a chance in Hollywood—if we wanted clear […]

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Our beloved NYU Diarist, in sickness and in health. The Washington Square Duane Reade has run out of Airborne, that slightly suspect “Effervescent Health Formula” that brags it was invented by a teacher. Whether the stuff works or not—I’m unconvinced but take it anyway—it’s cold season, and it’s selling. [It doesn’t work —Ed.] Classes have […]

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NYU diarist W.M. Akers returns with ruminations on love below 14th street and why you should get in on the action. From what I understand, the Columbia dating pool—men and women, straight and gay—is a shallow one. Your battlements keep you so well-contained that you bounce off them and into each other quickly, in a […]

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The latest installment from faithful NYU correspondent W.M. Akers, in which our diarist recites a history of the Square’s chess-playing past. The recently commenced construction on Washington Square has consumed the middle of the park, disrupting the walking and sitting that are so important a part of NYU life. But it has been arranged to […]

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NYU correspondent W.M. Akers signs off for the semester and reflects on a fall of frequenting coffee shops. Loving Bwog, Your correspondent writes today from miles above the earth, a better vantage than usual, but there’s nothing to see worth recording. All I hear is the window seat droning of two passengers making friends behind […]

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NYU Correspondent W. M. Akers is back, with an explication of his school’s own real estate woes, and why nobody cares. Among the many hardships of the New York University student is a scarcity of abominations. We have no Manhattanville, no nooses, no Islamic tyrants, and while Columbia students get to moan about northward expansion […]

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W. M. Akers is at it again, this time telling us why our downtown rivals are just as tired as we are – even if they work much less. In my film class this week we watched a three-and-a-half hour black-and-white movie, in Russian, that took place around 1400 AD. It was lovely, sure, but […]

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Bwog NYU correspondent W.M. Akers is back, this time with a few observations on how our neighbors to the south go out and get down.     Does Columbia have a “Sex and the City” problem? Girls at NYU, it seems, are still infatuated with the show, and those who go out regularly tend to fancy […]

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NYU: Five Things

Bwog met NYU student W.M. Akers at a bar one night, and found that his fair institution could use some explaining. They don’t have a Core, a campus, or 250 years of academic elitism–but there are some (dubiously) redeeming qualities. Territory Columbia‘s Claremont dorm, two blocks from the 116th stop, is classified as “Extreme West […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
June 1, 2024
Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
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