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Posts Tagged with "coffeeshops"

BweeklyRoast provides off-campus coffee shop reviews for students who can’t spend another waking moment at Butler. This week: Black Press Coffee in the UWS. 

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BweeklyRoast provides weekly off-campus coffee shop reviews for students who can’t spend another waking moment at Butler. This week: The Picky Barista on 102nd. 

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BweeklyRoast provides weekly off-campus coffee shop reviews for students who can’t spend another waking moment at Butler. This week: Hex & Company (@hexandcompany) on 114th.

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BweeklyRoast provides weekly off-campus coffee shop reviews for students who can’t spend another waking moment at Butler. This week: Niko Coffee on Amsterdam & 113th. 

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BweeklyRoast provides weekly off-campus coffee shop reviews for students who can’t spend another waking moment at Butler. This week: Plowshares Coffee Bloomingdale on 105th.

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The new series, BweeklyRoast, provides weekly off-campus coffee shop reviews for students who can’t spend another waking moment at Butler. This week: Charlotte Cafe in the UWS.

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My love for Blue Bottle Coffee ravages my brain at all times, calling me to convince myself that it is worth my seven dollars.

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Ever wonder what life would be like if you went to NYU?  Take a trip to NYU’s favorite coffee spot for a cup of joe and your daily dose of meta! Grade inflation isn’t the only reason to wish you went to NYU.  Just a few blocks south of Washington Square Park, Think Coffee serves […]

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It appears that Morningside Heights coffeeshops took winter break as an opportunity to shake things up.  In the case of Saurin Park Café, a coffee and sandwich shop with free wireless located on the corner of 110th and Frederick Douglass Blvd, the cafe’s ownership has changed.  It’s now called Cafe Amrita and is owned by […]

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NYU correspondent W.M. Akers signs off for the semester and reflects on a fall of frequenting coffee shops. Loving Bwog, Your correspondent writes today from miles above the earth, a better vantage than usual, but there’s nothing to see worth recording. All I hear is the window seat droning of two passengers making friends behind […]

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Saturday Pick-Me-Up

Downing Bray suggests another venue for wanton caffeine consumption. Get it before it’s too late! ALT Coffee Ave. A and 9th St. A Lower East Side coffee shop legend is dead . . . almost. After a decade of service, ALT Coffee, boasting “consistently good coffee, occasionally cranky computers, and possibly the scariest bathroom currently […]

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Cafe review: V-Bar

Coffee correspondent Downing Bray brings you another spot to get your daily jolt in style. V-Bar 225 Sullivan Street (between W. 3rd and Bleecker) A coffee shop by day and a wine and beer bar by night, Vbar is as mysterious as its name – I cannot for the life of me figure out what […]

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