Tom Hanks, hosting SNL this past weekend, gave America the pre-election pep talk it needs and assuring folks that everything will be alright. Hanks acts as the dad America needs right now as he fist bumps his way into America’s hearts once more. (Huffington Post) As President Obama prepares to leave office, his name withstands […]
Columbia Business assistant professor Enrichetta Ravina is suing the university for 20 million dollars on charges of gender discrimination after allegedly being sexually harassed by a mentor professor and denied assistance from officials. (New York Times) Disney and its Marvel Studios have threatened to take their filming business away from Georgia if its new “religious freedom” […]
Did ya catch Obama’s State of the Union the other week? NYC’s very own mayor, Bill de Blasio gave a similar address last night, titled “State of the City.” Watch here! ( Democratic presidential candidates Bernie and Hill debated each other last night on NBC! Both refused to answer the question as to what issues […]
Yesterday, President Obama rejected the request to build the Keystone XL pipeline, which would have created a pipeline to transport oil between Canada and the Gulf of Mexico. (NY Times) The 2016 election is already proving to be one of the greatest elections of all time, and this list of crazy things candidates have said so […]
In the onslaught of discovering the perfect abode, one apartment has the perfect sales pitch: a path to the White House. For $2,500 it could be yours, presidency and all (maybe). And on 142 West 109th Street, it’s only a short walk from campus! “Yes president OBAMA lived in this unit while he attended Columbia […]
Along with the University of Chicago, the University of Illinois at Chicago, and the University of Hawaii, Columbia University was issued a Request for Proposal by the Barack Obama Foundation earlier today, placing us in the running for Obama’s Presidential Library. Due on December 11, this requires that Columbia “submit a formal proposal that includes detail […]
Recently, a conservative blog called The Blaze floated the rumor that Obama didn’t actually go to Columbia. So, we did some sleuthing of our own (i.e., we checked his senior yearbook) to see if there’s any evidence that Obama really was on campus at some point. Okay, so we didn’t actually find any. He’s not […]
Half of the nation cheered for victory, while the other half sighed in defeat. It was approximately quarter past eleven last night, and networks predicted Obama had won the election as Ohio swung left. On our own campus, cheers erupted at the CPU’s viewing on the steps of Low. Anybody living under a rock or […]
President Obama won re-election over Mitt Romney last night, and this time around was almost as special as his first time. (WSJ, CNN) Meanwhile, members of Congress seem fated for catfights. However, Tammy Baldwin, a Democrat from Wisconsin, can fist-pump all the way to Capitol Hill to join them as our first openly gay Senator. (Huff Post, Washington Post) Puerto […]
Is tonight. Watch it with the campus political elite—Dems, CUCR, the Roosevelt Institute, and CPU. 9 pm in Lerner Piano Lounge. FREE PIZZA Eastwood 2016 via Zap2it
For those still in need of a sublet, President Obama’s former 109th street walk-up is on the market for $2,400/month. Sit in the same corner that Obama used to burn stogies with Sohale Siddiqi or talk sports with his buddy, Phil Boerner. Hell, if you’re lucky, you might even get to use the same toilet. WNYC describes it […]
A huge piece in the today’s Times examined our most powerful and least proud alumnus’ deliberative process when ordering drone strikes, in which he weighs the benefit of killing a suspected terrorist against the risk of killing innocents. The piece included an oblique shout-out to CC. Obama, who in his Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech mused […]
In case you’re living under a rock/booth of 1020 and haven’t heard, Obama stopped by South Lawn yesterday to give Barnard’s 2012 Commencement Speech. Decently Dynamic Duo Ella Quittner and Brian Wagner stopped by and made a highlight reel. In their heads. “Fight for a seat at the head of the table.” That’s one of […]
Whether you slept through Obama’s 90 minutes on South Lawn or you’re already ready to relive them, you can check out photos of the 2012 Barnard Commencement ceremony below. Send your own photos to, and we’ll add them!
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025