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Posts Tagged with "POTUS"

For those still in need of a sublet, President Obama’s former 109th street walk-up is on the market for $2,400/month. Sit in the same corner that Obama used to burn stogies with Sohale Siddiqi or talk sports with his buddy, Phil Boerner. Hell, if you’re lucky, you might even get to use the same toilet. WNYC describes it […]

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If you’re planning to attend Barnard Commencement, get ready to be searched/checked/wanded/stripped/violated-in-all-sortsaways. To avoid the possibility of a nightmare scenario, Columbia University Commencement and Barnard College have been working with The White House and the Secret Service in order to ensure the security of POTUS. This means almost every gate, sidewalk, window, and building will be […]

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Though President Obama’s “Race to the Top” is a program designed for public schools in America to become more innovative and challenging, according to some Columbia professors, Barry’s old writings prove that he wasn’t the biggest over-achiever himself. He also fell into the trap of falling in love with a girl who smoked unfiltered Lucky Strikes […]

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Drama over Obamanard aside, the president of the United States coming to speak at Barnard is a BFD.  All of his carefully considered appearances are under extreme scrutiny, especially in an election year.  Thus his decision (as DSpar explained, he requested to speak and was not asked) to speak at any college had to have involved […]

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In hugely unexpected news, Barnard has canceled Jill Abramson’s appearance at this year’s Commencement, in favor of the President of the United States, CC ’83. Barack Hussein Obama is confirmed to be delivering this year’s keynote address at Barnard’s graduating ceremony. Students have been campaigning to bring Obama to Columbia’s commencement for years, from casual […]

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President Obama is heading to Harlem for a fundraiser at the Red Rooster tonight, and the cost of admission is a cool $30,800. It’s the Commander in Chief’s first visit to the neighborhood since taking office. Who knows, maybe PrezOb (BO?) will stop by Columbia—go go gadget POTUS Project!   Grainy Image via Wikimedia Commons

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Sean Udell and the relentless POTUS Project have not given up hope. As part of the ongoing effort to bring President Obama back to his alma mater for Commencement, Jody Zellman penned this persuasive cartoon. Given that PrezBO/Bama might not read Bwog, POTUS is also sending a copy direct to the White House.

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The Bridge, New Yorker Editor David Remnick‘s much-anticipated, 672-page biography on our favorite reluctant alum, Barack Obama, hit stores today. Bwog chatted with Remnick this afternoon about Obama’s years in Morningside. His takeaway: “I think his Columbia years were decisive. In fact, he says so himself at one point: it is the place where he […]

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So this thing happened a few days ago. Hate it or love it, it’s here, and it will actually affect you. We’ve compiled some of the most immediate changes the bill creates, student-specific clauses, and a listed a few places to learn more about this extremely messy and important bill. Here are some of the […]

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Rumor has it that while Barry was doing this, Michelle, the kids and First Grandmother Marian Robinson lunched at Dinosaur BBQ this afternoon. The Obamas-sans-POTUS are in town this week, catching Broadway shows and apparently sizing up Manhattanville. Do you realize that means 3/4 of the Obama family breathed the same air as you today? […]

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