The Columbia University Archives currently have a fantastic online exhibit about the protests of ’68. Anna Hotter brings you some highlights of the action. Faculty and administrators gathered in 301 Philosophy to discuss the situation.
Back in the day—somewhere in the middle of the nineteenth century, but who can really say?—Columbia University still lived at Park Place, not terribly far from our modern City Hall. Morningside Heights has been Columbia’s home since the turn of the century, but what if we’d never made that initial move? What if…what if Columbia […]
Starting Thursday, “members of the Coalition to Preserve Community, St. Mary’s Congregations for Justice and Peace, Harlem community members, and students of Columbia University” met up to #occupy Tuck-It-Away Storage. Tuck-It-Away, located at 655 W. 125th St., was the last legal battleground of our Manhattanville expansion. Of the many demands that the coalition fights for, […]
If you were wondering what the commotion is on Low Plaza right now, it’s the Occupy CU Student Worker Picnic. Today is the National Day of Action for Education and workers, students, professors, and community members are encouraged to voice concerns over the state of education. Free pizza, bagels, and potluck are advertised for protestors. […]
While a select few Columbians were sipping mineral water in PrezBo’s cozy living room, an even smaller contingent endured less luxurious conditions to hold their own conversation. Bwog’s Human Microphone Translator John Sarlitto reports from Occupy CU’s “Fireside Chat.” While the Occupy CU “Fireside Chat” on the sidewalk outside PrezBo Manor was scheduled to start […]
South Carolina: In their ongoing quest to find a candidate suitable to challenge Barack Obama (did you know he’s a Columbia alum?!?) for the presidency, Republican primary voters turned yesterday to former house speaker Newt Gingrich, who received 40% of the vote to Mitt Romney’s 28%. The race for the White House hasn’t been this […]
Be on the lookout for the December issue of The Blue & White, which will be arriving on campus this week. In the meantime, Bwog will honor our heritage/amorous affair with our mother magazine by posting features from the upcoming issue. Such treats include a breakdown of Barnard’s budget woes, a look at Columbia’s proposal for […]
Barnard Dean Avis Hinkson has released the following email to Barnard students commenting on last week’s Occupy CU congregation at Barnard. She writes that, “Barnard Public Safety did not lock down the campus or attempt to prevent the assembly from taking place.” This contradicts claims made by Occupy CU that a “lockdown” took place at Barnard Hall. […]
The Occupiers are getting feisty. Last night an email was sent out from their alias (which shows up as “Lee Bollinger”) to the offices of Dean Hinkson, President Spar, President Bollinger, and various contacts from Jezebel, Gawker, Gothamist, and the New York Times, demanding an explanation from the administration for the increased police presence during […]
Barnard’s campus has been fortified! Fearing unrest related to the Barnard General Assembly planned for this evening by Occupy Columbia, extraordinary security measures are currently being enforced. Barnard Hall has been closed, there is an NYPD car and police barricades in front of the 117th street gate, and Public Safety officers are checking IDs at […]
This week is OccupyCU’s Student Week of Action. Read on for Bwog resident #Occupier Jed Bush’s report on Day Three’s speak out and Day Four’s rally and march to Union Square, the latest in our ongoing coverage of this week’s events. Thursday: Today, OccupyCU participated in a student strike in solidarity with the OWS Day of Action, whose aims […]
Occupy CU has just departed from campus to march downtown and join the student strike. The pack of students has been joined by striking employees from Verizon and students from CSUNY Albany. According to one of the organizers: “We have the sidewalk outside gates, NYPD is here. CWA marchers have joined us in a large […]
This week is OccupyCU’s Student Week of Action. Read on for Bwog resident #Occupier Jed Bush’s report on Day Two’s Open Student/Professor Dialogue on Low Steps, the latest in our ongoing coverage of this week’s events. Today’s discussion featured a star-studded lineup of professors that included, among others, Todd Gitlin, Christia Mercer, Paige West, and Rebecca Jordan Young, and […]
At 1 am this morning, hundreds of police officers raided the two-month-old Occupy Wall Street encampment in Zuccotti Park. Tune in here for a live stream of the events. And despite efforts to suppress media access to the park, Bwog and B&W alum Avi Zenilman was there. IvyGate blogger Wilfred Chan, CC ’13, met up with a few Columbians there as well. Bwog […]
This week marks OccupyCU’s Student Week of Action. Read on for Bwog’s resident #OWS correspondent Jed Bush’s coverage of Day One: “End the Sotheby’s Lockout” rally. Columbia’s Student Week of Action, orchestrated by OccupyCU, got off to a rather low-key start today, but that didn’t stop the 25 or so protesters planted in front of the […]
What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025Moving Fashion Forward With A Sustainable Fashion Exchange
March 21, 2025Columbia’s Newest Major: Rizzology
March 19, 2025Department of Homeland Security In Columbia Residences, Armstrong Emails Community
March 14, 2025