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Posts Tagged with "christia mercer"

Campus group No Red Tape (NRT) is hosting a Survivors Week of events, talks, and performances aimed “to raise awareness about the issues faced by survivors of sexual and dating violence both on and off campus.” Highlights include: today (Monday’s) 8-10 pm talk with Professor Christia Mercer on justice and incarcerated survivors. The event is […]

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In honor of first-years beginning their experience of taking Lit Hum, we bring you a piece from the latest edition of The Blue and White featuring an interview between B&W writer Miriam Elzonahy and Christia Mercer.  Christia Mercer, Gustave M. Berne Professor of Philosophy, has been at Columbia for 20 years, and served as chair […]

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We’re officially in the last business week of finals. To remind you why you all came here/get you back to your roots, our Actual Wisdom storyteller tonight is Christia Mercer, a modern day Homer.  Justify your existence in 30 words or fewer: Why do you think I exist? Claim to fame: Fame is a relative […]

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From our friends over at THE CORE: CORE TECH GENIUS: DO YOU WANT TO MAKE $18 AN HOUR and be the CORE TECH GENIUS? What you’ll do: work with chair of Literature Humanities (Christia Mercer), the CCIT (Columbia College Information Technology) geniuses, and other students to help develop the Columbia’s Core website. You work 2-4 […]

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CC first-years made it through their first class!  Here, Joseph Milholland, CC’17, tells us all about what happened beyond those Roone Arledge doors.  If you would like to write about any of the events (or parties) at NSOP, please email As we entered the Roone Arledge Auditorium, RAs handed out bookmarks, which either listed […]

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A hearty welcome to the TVC students today!  We hope your day goes smoothly.  If you see or hear anything funny, or if you just need someone new to talk to, go ahead and email — we’d love to hear from you! Today’s Highlights: Move In for TVC students, 9 am-1 pm Individual Advising […]

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Dear readers, we wish we were lying. We were intending to take today lightly, give everyone some space to breathe, give you fun things to watch and read, maybe talk about puppies coming to campus (more on that in a later post). Instead, however, we’ve been informed that this fine university possibly has another widespread cheating […]

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BwogSalon: WiGH?

It’s BwogSalon, a feature in which we get a chance to look at other Columbia publications for more procrastination material and the fantastic work they are doing. Today, we’re exploring What is Global Health? (WiGH?), a science philosophy podcast and digital publication. Check out the fancy pants podcast’s last episode called “Game Changers,” which features Christia […]

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The John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation has announced that eight Columbia academics are recipients of a 2012 Guggenheim Fellowship. Awards are given to those, “who have demonstrated exceptional capacity for productive scholarship or exceptional creative ability in the arts.” Acceptance not only signifies extraordinary academic achievement, but also comes with cash. Timothy Donnelly – Associate Professor […]

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Christia Mercer is awesome—and the Academic Awards Committee thinks so too. Minutes ago, they announced that she is the 2012 recipient of the Mark van Doren Award, the highest student-awarded honor a professor can receive. The Lionel Trilling Award, given to the professor who “best exhibits the standards of intellect and scholarship” in a recent […]

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The adorable back and forth between Deantini and Prof Mercer on set: Deantini: She’s my favorite philosophy professor! Professor Mercer: He only knows one. Professor Mercer: I asked Jim if there was any chance he had ten minutes on a Friday morning— Deantini: I had to clear my schedule, my meeting with the President, the […]

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This week is OccupyCU’s Student Week of Action. Read on for Bwog resident #Occupier Jed Bush’s report on Day Two’s Open Student/Professor Dialogue on Low Steps, the latest in our ongoing coverage of this week’s events. Today’s discussion featured a star-studded lineup of professors that included, among others, Todd Gitlin, Christia Mercer, Paige West, and Rebecca Jordan Young, and […]

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Alison Herman, CC’15, was dutifully in attendance yesterday afternoon. She keeps it short and sweet below. N.B. Christia Mercer is a Bright Eyes fan. At 2:30 sharp on Tuesday, over a thousand Columbia College freshpeople and one intrepid reporter packed themselves into Roone Arledge Auditorium for their first-ever college lecture. With the help of a […]

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The French department loves interdisciplinary studies. The History Channel loves complex advertising ploys. The School of Public Health loves protecting children. We loved Christia Mercer’s dancing abilities, so we love that she has an award! The Spec already loves Debora Spar.

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The depths of procrastination have truly reached a new low: We’ve taken to Googling our professors on YouTube. An anonymous tipster points us in the direction of “Prolegomena to any Future Numa Numa,” which features philosophy professor John David Collins and one of who we believe to be the children of Collins and one of […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
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