Antigone, produced by Columbia’s King’s Crown Shakespeare Troupe, ran the weekend of October 28th and was a marvelous demonstration of the pure talent on Barnumbia’s campus.
Think your first round of midterms is stressful? At least your parents aren’t in town—note the following exchange between a macho-looking father and his Furnaldian son. The dialogue took place in a Furnald hallway, whilst the father pointed toward the dorm’s notorious resident condom bag. Father: So, have you been utilizing these condominiums? Son: Uhh, yeah. […]
A Runner’s Guide To Morningside Heights
February 1, 2025Uncovering The Mysteries Of Schermerhorn Hall
February 1, 2025Uncovering The Mysteries Of Schermerhorn Hall
January 31, 2025Uncovering The Mysteries Of Schermerhorn Hall
January 30, 2025