ESC Bureau Chief Rachel Deal is back this week (after ESC took a break last week following their weekend retreat) to bring you the latest news from the ESC meeting! Last night’s Engineering Student Council meeting was a quick one, with the members covering topics such as the package center, Bacchanal, and food insecurity. President […]
Overheard outside of the package center: a conversation between two girls, one carrying a pair of large Gilt boxes. Girl with boxes: So I just spent $500 on clothes again. Other girl: Do your parents not notice that? Mine would call me if I spent more than $200. Girl with boxes: Maybe if I spent $1000. Pocket change via Shutterstock
These “kiosks,” soon to be installed at strategic locations throughout Lerner, were spotted in the package center yesterday. With input from package kiosks, the package center will learn of a student’s impending arrival through a mounted screen similar to the kind used to organize orders at McDonalds, and the student’s package(s) will be available for convenient […]
Sean Zimmermann reports from last night’s Engineering Student Council Meeting. Bacchanal President Daniel Weinstein presented the group’s financial status to ESC, pleading that their current financial problems are the fault of university administration. As it stands, their budget is $38,000 less than it was last year. Bacchanal has already canceled its Fall concert (which costs […]
Sean Zimmermann reports from last night’s ESC meeting. The Mudd Engineering Library is slated to be closed and replaced with classrooms. Volumes stored in the Mudd library will be relocated to the library in NoCo. It is unclear when this transition will occur. VP Policy Logan Donovan explained that the 3rd party vendor that provides […]
CCSC sayeth; Brian Wagner jotteth down and reporteth. As the 70+ candidates for next years student council gathered in the meeting, Learned announced that this marks a 50% increase in candidates running for CCSC. Columbia students may not be having sex, but hey, at least they’re becoming politically active. The Council agrees—the mail center lines are […]
Sorry to say it’s highly unlikely that you’ll be able to pick up your package before 5. Better luck tomorrow! They’re really swamped though and it’s not their fault. Please don’t be mean to them.
At the Package Center: After foolishly spending too much for stamps in the stamps machine, a twitchy freshperson holds up the envelope and asks an employee: “Where does the stamp go?”
Columbians send and receive the darnedest things. This week, Postal Service (remember?) groupie Sarah Camiscoli slipped into the Package Center on the fourth floor of Lerner to beat the morning rush. She sat down with the Package Center Professionals, Ralph, Jason, Alex, and Louie. Below, the Professionals list the most bizarre mail and people they’ve […]
Housing Reviews 2025: East Campus
March 27, 2025Conspiracy Bwog: The Statues In St. John’s
March 25, 2025Freshpeople Housing Reviews 2020: Sulzberger Hall
March 25, 2025What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025