The CPU and College Dems are co-sponsoring an event in which Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) will be speaking this Sunday at 4 PM in Lerner Cinema. She’s going to talk about her legislative goals and the like, plus there will be a Q&A to follow.
Political clubs pay attention to politics! Lauren Salz…she’s everywhere! The Hawkmadinejads will take care of this JShap rides off into the sunset to bright new career as a lounge singer Political science becomes even less of a real field
Well, they moved quickly this time. As we wrote about before, the announcement of a joint appearance by Obama and McCain on campus next Thursday took student government and group leaders completely by surprise. Just before midnight, though, the presidents of the student councils, club governing boards, and Panhellenic councils have sent an email to […]
Holy shit. Spec is reporting that the candidates will speak on behalf of ServiceNation, an organization that aims to increase public service participation. We’re trying to figure out whether the event is open to students, and will be updating as we do. According to the NonProfit Times, 500 seats have already been filled: “500 supporters […]
With a mere 63 days left until the Presidential election, the blogosphere has lit up with speculation about the personal life of Republican Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin. While the daughter of Alaska’s favorite hockey mom may be five months pregnant and questions abound about her readiness to lead the nation should she find herself […]
(Hi Gawker!) Little known fact: Barack Obama attended Columbia University, the very same one that you do! While he was here, he wrote a thesis entitled Soviet Nuclear Disarmament, which is not actually a “thesis” (but more on that later). Anyway, the journalists have been trying to get their hands on the Lost Thesis but […]
Bwog’s dreams of a Columbia presidential matchup died with the candidacy of Mike Gravel — we thought. Now a new challenger, while falling short of the Alaska senator’s genius in television advertising, may actually take the 2008 cycle’s stranger-than-fiction cake: self-proclaimed “King of Vegas” Wayne Allyn Root, CC ’83 and classmate of Sen. Barack Obama […]
One astute, politically-inclined tipster sent Bwog a list of all the candidates for New York’s City Council, pointing out that one of which is former University Senator Marcus Johnson, CC ’07 and table-dancer extraordinaire. Johnson is running for a City Council seat in District 12, which is located in the North Bronx. The seat’s open, […]
Not even a fortnight since Eliot Spitzer’s resignation, problems with New York’s newest governor, David Paterson (CC ’77), have already surfaced. The New York Daily News is reporting that Paterson had used campaign funds to purchase clothing, bar tabs, and hotel stays at a Quality Inn on the Upper West Side (at which to carry […]
Yesterday, Bwog expressed excitement that David Paterson–the black, legally blind, Columbia ’77 grad–will probably be sworn-in as New York state Governor within a day or two. Which is all well and good, except Radar is reporting he has some (less adulterous) legal troubles of his own. Seems Paterson is currently being sued by a former […]
Sort of. First the backstory: The New York Times is reporting that New York Governor Eliot Spitzer has been recorded meeting up with a prostitute thanks to a federal wiretap. (Hat tip Patriot Act?) While Spitzer hasn’t resigned (yet), if (read: when) he does, he’ll be replaced by David Paterson, CC ’77, making Paterson New […]
The New York Times’ Election Guide 2008 is a handy tool for figuring out the political affiliations of tight-lipped professors, distant cousins, and friends. Entering in a zip code will yield a listing of all the political donors in that area, including to whom that money was donated and how much. Here are some Columbia […]
Bwog, having watched the progress of the Iowa caucus from its comfy couch for the last week, decided to check in with a few Columbians spending their vacations stumping the Hawkeye state for their candidates of choice. Considering it’s – 4 degrees outside, you’d have to be insane, or, well…insane. One note: those featured are […]
In the interest of keeping tabs: we missed the news from last Tuesday, but because most of you have been in holes for the whole week anyway, it’s worth re-mentioning that Minutemen founder and Columbia bogeyman Jim Gilchrist (who is now being gender-neutral!) has endorsed GOP golden boy Mike Huckabee for president. Apparently, Gilchrist’s support […]
Finally! Joseph Ratzinger, better known as Pope Benedict XVI, made the announcement today: Archbishop John P. Foley, Journalism ’66, will be one of 23 new cardinals in November. According to the International Herald Tribune, Foley had “long been considered a candidate” for the job. At the fresh young age of 72, he’s eligible to vote […]
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