Monday Columbia College Days: The Campus Life Committee starts its attempt to muster up school spirit today. M-F. Tuesday The Darfur Debate: It’s a chance to see Mahmood Mamdani debate. Genocide? Sudan? The International Criminal Court? They’ll yak it up. 6:00 PM @ Cowin Aud, TC. Wednesday US vs. Iran: The major turning points in […]
Monday CUO Concert: Tchaikovsky’s Variations on a Rococo Theme, op. 33 featuring Elizabeth Lyon, cello, winner of the CUO concerto competition, and Berlioz’s Symphonie fantastique, op. 14. 8:00 PM @ Miller Theatre. Also 8:00 PM Tuesday @ Roone Auditorium. Tuesday Westminster Boys’ Choir: Yes, that choir. Sponsored by the OUC. 6:00 PM @ St. Paul’s […]
Procrastinating student politicos might have been surprised to discover that, until last night, the deadline for CCSC elections registration was this Friday. So little time! Now, though, in order to increase the number of candidates, CC’s Elections Board has pushed the filing deadline back to Friday, March 6th, a full two weeks later. According to […]
Compiling the best of the meta lists since 2006. Monday Paul Muldoon: The Pulitzer Prize-winning poet will read selections of his poetry, followed by an interview. 501 Schermerhorn @ 8:00 PM. Tuesday Adam Kirsch [pdf]: The senior editor of The New Republic will discuss the lives of Allen Ginsberg and Lionel Trilling. 501 Schermerhorn @ […]
Editor’s Note: Bwog will continue to update on the death of SEAS student yesterday, but we will also keep our regular posts going. Get your real-world education outside of classes this week. Monday China and Green Energy Technology: There’s a speaker from JUCCCE (best acronym ever), but it’s also about summer internships. 6:00 PM @ […]
Now that Netflix streaming movies are available to Mac users, far greater numbers of Columbia students have begun exploring the wonderful “Watch Instantly!” world. They’re also probably learning — as PC users did months ago — that Netflix’s catalog of streaming content is largely a grab-bag of B-movies and obscure television series sprinkled with the […]
The powers that be are determined to confine us to our rooms. A smattering of events around campus, served with the usual levity. Monday Israel. Gaza. Their supports, all in once place: showdown on the steps. We’ll have more details later today. Lunchtimeish @ Alma Mater’s house. Tuesday Columbia’s resident string quartets are back. Haydn, […]
Things slow down before reading week, but there’s plenty of winter cheer and music to look forward to. Monday Crash Test Dummies: We all love those slow-motion videos of dummies in cars, but what about the science of engineering for safety? 11:00 AM @ Davis Aud, Schapiro. Tuesday Columbia Classical Performers: Morningside’s musicians come out […]
Bwogger Liz Naiden heads down to the MoMA to inform you, eager Art Hum disciple, which new exhibitions to wait in line for and which to skip. A trip to the MoMA is the perfect substitute for counting down the milliseconds until vacation or panicking out impending finals doom. The powerful and pervasive anti-neoclassical mood of […]
This week’s to-dos are earlier than usual, but quite worthwhile. Monday Lecture with Shahid Naeem: On “Nature, Knowledge, and Our National Identity.” Hosted by PrezBo and Brinkley. 6:15 PM @ Low Faculty Room. Tuesday President of Bolivia: Evo Morales Ayma is here to discuss democracy in the Americas. 10:00 AM @ Low Rotunda. Wednesday Politics […]
The greater forces are determined to force us to relax. Tuesday Music on the Ramps: Live@Lerner is back at it, promising relaxing music on the Ramps. And free food, curly fries included! 11:30 AM @ Lerner Ramps. Wednesday Stressbusters: Free mini-backrubs, since midterms are acting up again as a prelude to finals season. 4:00 PM […]
If you’ve procrastinated about volunteering for a presidential campaign this season, few precious hours remain to get your fill of phonebanking. Bwog Daily Editor Mariela Quintana has compiled the following Procrastinator’s Guide to Phonebanking. McCain: Bwog could not find any information about phonebanking for McCain, but the candidate’s website offers a comparable alternative. (You must […]
Morningside slows down in the Halloween runup, unless you’re at MoWi or DR (fun!). Here’s some things you can do before the long weekend. Monday Lunchtime Concerts – Haydn “Sun” Quartets: The Daedalus Quartet, in residence at Columbia, performs this week. Reviewed by the New York Times last week. 12:30 PM @ Philosophy Lounge. Also […]
This is just one of the first in what Bwog assumes will be a veritable onslaught of Halloweenish events. We’ll keep you posted. Bacchanal is hosting an event on the steps today, some sort of crazy Halloween/study break mashup entitled “A Ghoulish Day on the Steps” today from 3:00PM – 7:00PM. The free highlights include: […]
From the “Not Again” Department: Bored@Butler has internal competition. For those of you holed up in Purgatory Butler last week for midterms, Bwog’d bet that you saved a tab in your browser for Bored@Butler ( The site is an anonymous message board for Columbia students stuck in the library to post their thoughts. According to […]
Housing Reviews 2025: East Campus
March 27, 2025Conspiracy Bwog: The Statues In St. John’s
March 25, 2025Freshpeople Housing Reviews 2020: Sulzberger Hall
March 25, 2025What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025