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Posts Tagged with "Diwali"

Homecoming and Halloween don’t mix well with midterms, but what does Bwog care?

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Increasing shifts towards security among politicians and voters alike in the US in today’s Bwoglines.

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The Hindu Student Organization/Ahimsa’s Diwali Celebration is sold out, but enter your name on the waitlist and you’ll still have a chance of free food come 8:00. Also, Bwogger Anish Bramhandkar hears from inside sources that eventually doors will be opened to everyone. If ye be patient, be fed! Photo via Wikimedia Commons

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What would Saturday night be with out a dance party in Lerner, free food and student association spirit? Bwog simply does not know.  Tonight brings you not just Ahimsa and the HSO’s celebration of Diwali, one of the most important Indian holidays of the year, but also the Korean Students Association’s rendition of Pojangmacha – […]

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The greater forces are determined to force us to relax. Tuesday Music on the Ramps: Live@Lerner is back at it, promising relaxing music on the Ramps.  And free food, curly fries included! 11:30 AM @ Lerner Ramps. Wednesday Stressbusters: Free mini-backrubs, since midterms are acting up again as a prelude to finals season.  4:00 PM […]

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Diwali Dinner Redux

Those trying to study in Lerner last night didn’t have a chance, as the beats of DJ prophecy wafted up from a candlelit Roone Arledge, where over 400 sari-clad students celebrated Diwali, the Indian Festival of Lights. Diwali, a holiday celebrated by Hindus, Sikhs, and Jains, celebrates the victory of good over evil, which–along with […]

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