On Monday, RAs and their supporters rallied on Low Steps before marching to President Bollinger’s house to gain recognition for a Columbia RA union.
Read today’s Bwoglines for union victories, significant protests, and a riveting panel.
Members of 24/7 Columbia, an organization dedicated to improving healthcare on campus, are holding a sit-in in Lerner Hall tonight to protest “the lack of in-person, accessible healthcare,” according to a statement sent to Bwog. The group’s goals are the creation of a 24/7 rape crisis center and health center and round-the-clock access to CPS, […]
In a statement released by the official Columbia Admissions Twitter account today, Admissions clarified that students facing disciplinary action for peaceful protests will not be “at a disadvantage in the Columbia admissions process.” This statement comes in the wake of many schools promising the same, including MIT, Brown, Yale, and several others. The Needville Independent School […]
Students of Columbia who walked in on Suzanne Goldberg’s class earlier this month to protest received a disciplinary email Monday from a member of the faculty named Melissa Begg. In the email, the students were told they must attend a meeting with Ms. Begg in her role as “temporary rules administrator.” Students are under threat […]
At 8 pm tonight, the Tommy Robinson talk organized by CUCR began in Roone Arledge Auditorium. Tommy Robinson is the founder of the right-wing English Defense League, and is widely considered to be a white supremacist. He was expected to speak about “Europe and mass immigration.” Protests began over an hour before the event started, with students […]
What’s the deal with Barnard’s contingent faculty? What is contingent faculty? What was the strike threat all about? Bwog staffer Sarah Dahl got a chance to hear from one of the union organizers last night, and is here to write about it. The following reflects her own opinions. “The College has consistently maneuvered legal delays and stalled negotiations […]
UPDATED 7:06 p.m: Hundreds gathered on Low beginning at 5 pm this evening to protest Trump’s immigration ban. The protest lasted until 6:20 pm (though scheduled to end at 6). Starting now, protesters are taking the subway to 59th Street and Columbus Circle to march downtown. This march will include students from five different NYC […]
Have a couple hours to spare this afternoon? Feeling a bit shook after certain national events? The Women’s March on NYC is your chance to stand up for the values of equality and inclusivity, and to send a message to the new presidential administration. On that note, Bwog is here with the necessary details to help you plan out your […]
The Columbia University Marching Band released a statement tonight declaring their intent to perform Orgo Night in protest to Vice Provost Ann Thornton’s decision to forbid the event from occurring in Butler 209. Specifically, the Band claims that Columbia’s decision to block the use of 209 is a suppression of free speech which all groups […]
A majority vote has granted Barnard Contingent Faculty Union power to declare a strike. This news comes after a long contract negotiation process between the college and BCF-UAW, as the parties have struggled to settle details like fair wage and benefits. While Barnard would like for operations to continue as usual, a strike could mean cancelled exams for […]
Four Americans were killed by a suicide bomber inside Bagram airbase, a US military facility in Afghanistan. Even though Bagram has always been targeted by militants, this incident marks an unprecedented breach of security in the most protected places in Afghanistan. (BBC) While anti-Trump protests erupt all over the major cities in the States, people […]
Earlier today, a group of students demonstrated in front of the Kappa Delta Rho fraternity house on 114th Street in response to our release of screenshots from a wrestling team GroupMe. Kappa Delta Rho, also known as KDR, is widely considered the “athlete” frat, and numerous wrestlers are members. Three of the protesters held a sign stretched in […]
To the rigged election: Halloween is coming, but the real spook is right after—Election Day. While we will be praying wholeheartedly to Dionysus that we would still have a nation after the election, Trump supporters might have trouble finding where they belong after November 8th. (Buzzfeed) Down the Drain: People from Japan, Russia, Germany, Australia, Israel […]
In response this week’s mock apartheid wall as a part of this year’s Israeli Apartheid Week, Students Supporting Israel (SSI) constructed a Pinocchio display on College Walk directly across from the mock wall. This follows Israeli Apartheid flyer vandalization earlier this week. A tipster sent us the photo below of the display as of early this afternoon. The display is believed […]
Fireside Chat With Dr. Anthony Fauci On Public Health And Pandemics
February 11, 2025Speak Now: Joan Jonas
February 10, 2025Moving Fashion Forward With A Sustainable Fashion Exchange
February 8, 2025Marginalia: The Bibles Of Butler
February 8, 2025