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Posts Tagged with "Dean Hinkson"

Earlier today, members of the Barnard community were notified that Dean Avis Hinkson, BC ’84, will be stepping down from her post later this summer. Starting on August 1, she will be the new Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students at Pomona College, where she has previously held positions. In Hinkson’s place, Executive […]

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What’s the deal with Barnard’s contingent faculty? What is contingent faculty? What was the strike threat all about? Bwog staffer Sarah Dahl got a chance to hear from one of the union organizers last night, and is here to write about it. The following reflects her own opinions. “The College has consistently maneuvered legal delays and stalled negotiations […]

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Are you an enthusiastic Barnard first-year several months from becoming jaded about the many problems of your college? Are you a belligerent upperclassman trying to remember why you decided to come to this school in the first place? Are you a Columbia student who has never been entirely sure what Barnard is and has become, […]

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Dean Hinkson sent another email this evening (this has been a busy night) detailing the new dining options available to Barnard students. The email states that many of the changes were spurred by discussions of food insecurity on campus. Among these changes, Hewitt Dining Hall will now be open for brunch and dinner over Fall […]

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This evening, Dean Hinkson sent an email informing Barnard students of a change to the college’s Pass/D/Fail policy. The new policy states that students who choose to P/D/F a class can now uncover their grade up until the program filing deadline of the following semester. Previously, Barnard students were unable to uncover grades after they […]

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On Monday evening, the SGA town hall attracted staff writer Mia Lindheimer – mostly due to the free Thai Market. Little did she know, her eyes would be opened to one of the most heated debates on campus: the Barnard-Columbia relationship. Do we all attend the same “university”? Yes. Are we separate colleges? Yes. So where does […]

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Recently we learned about one Barnard student whose medical complications have taken her out of school and uprooted her life. Editor Taylor Grasdalen spoke with her to learn more. Molly Mittler entered Barnard College as a first-year in August of 2014. Just one day before orientation, Molly had a concussion and chose to follow up by scheduling to […]

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At this week’s SGA meeting, hot topics included alumnae relations and diversity, and Dean Hinkson made an appearance. Passionate politico Joe Milholland was there to get you the scoop. At the Monday night SGA meeting, Barnard’s Dean of the College Avis Hinkson was the administrative guest. The council members of SGA asked her about general […]

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