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Posts Tagged with "Student Wellness Project"

Bwog Editor Alexandra Svokos is tired of hearing the word “wellness.” This past Sunday, the Student Wellness Project hosted their second Wellness Summit from 1-4 pm in the Diana. I left this summit far more stressed than I had been before I walked in. I was agitated following the discussions, having been pounded with a […]

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This morning the 11-person SIC committee announced the names of the student organizations whom they chose to live in two EC townhouses, a spiffy Wallach suite, and the Convent (“Special Interest Community House”). The lucky winners have until tomorrow at 5 pm to accept the offers. Congrats to the following groups! Wallach 2C: Writer’s House SIC House: […]

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SGA met last night at its usual time and place with a few more males in the audience than usual (still single digits, but we’re getting there). What began as a meeting centered around the business of being well devolved into a meeting about the business of the campus and its not-so-well posting policies. Bwog’s […]

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In light of the tragic death of Martha Corey-Ochoa, the Student Wellness Project will be using the John Jay Lounge as the setting of an open discussion from 5:00-7:30 pm tonight for all who would like to come share their thoughts, voice their concerns, and listen to their fellow students. There will be upperclassmen leading […]

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Moving forward in their Random Acts of Kindness Week, Student Wellness Project is making your daily sojourn into Butler a little brighter and fuller of joy with the most charming combination of snacks around. From 11 am to 3 pm, free cookies, apples, and lemonade will be outside the library offering sustenance and love. Relive […]

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SUNDAY 1-4 pm FURNALD AND JOHN JAY LOUNGES Featuring Delta Society therapy dogs, Stressbusters back rubs, Columbia Art of Living Yoga, crafts, hot chocolate with marshmallows, and smiling people Presented by The Puppy Coalition and the Student Wellness Project Sponsored by Community Development and Res Programs Pups courtesy of Static416’s flickr (it was a toss-up […]

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Senior Satow Correspondents Sarah Ngu and Maren Killackey report from this week’s CCSC meeting. They recap a student-run wellness initiative, financial aid communication and reform, the possibility of junior regroup during housing, a vegan composter, and brownstones for general lottery. Student Wellness Project Karishma Habbu, the Student Services Rep, and Wilfred Chan, webmaster, unveiled the Student […]

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Sean Zimmermann reports from last night’s ESC meeting. Sustainability Representative Will Cybriwsky explained that unused alcohol from Casino Night, including unopened bottles, had to be poured down the drain because the university’s alcohol license does not allow the university to keep unused alcohol after an event. The council is investigating how new policies could be […]

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For the past few weeks, a growing number of students have been informally meeting among themselves, and with the administration, to put into action a long-term plan for promoting “student wellness” at Columbia. The project aims to articulate the problems many students feel afflict the Columbia community, but are not equipped to solve. We’re given […]

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