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Posts Tagged with "quality of life"

“Traveling solo means getting to know the real you.” Yes, it may be cheesy, but this quote speaks to the truth that each and every one of us truly has the freedom to explore the world around us–even if it is alone. The best thing to remember is that you may or may ;) learn […]

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Where would we be without Joe Milholland? Much less informed about the inner workings of CCSC politics, that’s for sure. This week’s meeting included discussion of the CASV, a potential tech rep, and the quality of life survey. CCSC’s Relationship with No Red Tape and Coalition Against Sexual Violence On Sunday night’s Columbia College Student […]

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This week, the University Senate Student Affairs Committee released the 2015 Quality of Life Survey. At the last USenate plenary, the SAC discussed the populations most dissatisfied with Columbia, including students with disabilities, transgender/genderqueer students, and low-income students. Now that the entire survey is available, we’re sharing some of the highlights. Of course, if you […]

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Quality of Life Survey At Friday’s University Senate Plenary, four student senators – Marc Heinrich (Columbia College), Ramis Wadood (Columbia College), Emily Moore (SEAS Grad Students), and Grace Kelley (Nursing School) – gave an in-depth presentation on the quality of life survey sent out last year. General information has already been distributed by the Senate, […]

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The University Senate Student Affairs Committee (SAC) has released a list of changes that Public Safety will be making to its policy and procedures as a result of the Quality of Life survey. On the Morningside campus, Public Safety will be concentrating roving patrols on the north end of campus at night, providing reflective vests […]

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Last April, the USenate Student Affairs Committee (SAC), led by Senators Matthew Chou and Akshay Shah, sent out Columbia’s first-ever University-wide Quality of Life survey. The survey garnered over 6,250 responses (a response rate of 17.1%) to questions about financial aid, housing, academics, adminstration, health services, and other wellness issues. Now, (almost a year later) […]

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The preliminary results from the University Senate’s much-touted Quality of Life survey were released this weekend.  Bwog looked at numbers so you don’t have to, and here’s what we found interesting: Note: all results are based on the pool of people who responded, so data is not representative of entire student body but rather the […]

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This semester, both Student Wellness Project and University Senate worked on some impressive studies of general student life across Columbia University.  Some of the results came out at the end of the semester and makes for good reading material for a “productive” study break. SWP looked at a variety of ways the community is hurting […]

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Bwog’s Infrastructural Warfare Correspondent Megan McGregor braved the snowstorm on Wednesday to report on Prof. Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkia’s lecture in the IAB. On Wednesday evening, as we all know and enjoyed, classes and campus activities were cancelled due to the severe winter weather.  Still, 707 IAB was packed with many shivering and damp individuals.  Professor Nadera […]

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