The semester’s latest edition of the Fed is now online. Bwog presents a survey of the topical headlines. On the military, “Congress has agreed to repeal “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” in the military in exchange for a similar policy in the following areas of civilian life…” On Columbia’s underground social scene, “We present some of […]
The latest issue of the Fed is out and aping another Columbia publication. Bwog highlights some of its cringe-worthy crassness… Ergonomics of shaving (ew) “The Columbia Animal Farm (Get it? They’re communists!) Becomes an Animal House (like the movie!!)” Same-old hipster hating Erotic fiction
The Fed’s latest edition is online, just in time for more procrastination. What Mall Santa’s really thinking about. The Catholic Church flexes its takeover muscles. A Christmas update from the WASPs. An Iranian commentary on Hannukah. Top 10 lists weren’t meta enough already.
After an absence of almost two months, The Fed has finally published its first issue of the new semester, complete with an entirely new print look. Old people want fake IDs, and students are only too happy to provide. The Core is now for porn! Barnard stereotypes: the swine flu version. We could’ve sworn we’ve […]
Graduating this month? The new Fed‘s got great advice to help you through your transition over the next few weeks. You won’t find the inside scoop on graduating from college anywhere else! Do not, by any means, let the stress of graduating affect your vigilance in the War on Hipsters. If we don’t stop them, […]
New issue of The Fed out today for your April Fooling pleasure! Laugh, be merry, and pretend you pulled an awesome prank. Spectator to close its doors forever due to certain “allegations” and insufficient funds. Bwog’s hoping a casino will replace the Broadway office. The admissions letter you wish you got. And the school you […]
Using sex references and bad words: an original spin on poetry, haikus, and The Odyssey. Drugs WILL make the sun come out. Of course you can spend no money, look like a fool, and still get girls to do you. You will never sleep with Snow White. Unless you have a tail. Hey! Bwog is […]
Image courtesy of the Fed The latest issue of the Fed has found its way onto this, our World Wide Web. Everybody’s still infatuated with Obama, satirists included. Following up on having found lust last issue, how to lose lust. One Fedster explains that love can be damaging. Another, that love can save your life. […]
The semester’s last issue of The Fed is out online! Advice for when you go home Chanukkah vs. Christmas Some vacation possibilities Courses you do not want to take Always remember, kids: when you ask the Blue and White‘s blog to link to you, leave out that you’ve made fun of us And congratulations to […]
A new day, a new Fed, available on teh internetz right now! People who spend a lot of time in Butler are fun and easy to make fun of. Aww, poor John McCain. Aww, poor Dubya. Pre-gaming: a scientific study Some red states will always be red states. End-of-semester-stressing? Never at the Fed!
It has come to Bwog’s attention that the Federalist Paper (aka the Fed), Columbia’s perennial bastion of jokedome, has published its second issue of the year. Bwog encourages you to have a laugh or two as you try to shake off that midterm angst by reading the new issue entitled First Years and Last Temptations. […]
The new issue of the Fed—the last one of the school year—has hit the internet and newsstands. Annals of architecture, ad eundum quo nemo ante iit Contemporary Civilization, ad nauseum Our culture’s decline, reductum ad absurdum Thank yous, ad infinitum The dormitory life, ad captandum vulgus Knowledge, ad vitam aeternam!
QuickFed? QuickSpec! Featuring: ….a Juicy Campus op-ed …a Manhattanville shout-out …Barnard stereotypes …an eerily accurate staff editorial Plus bonus Fed non-fiction! (We think?)
Why, the Fed is back! And we had thought ’twas lost! My God, Jesus is everywhere I look! One Scotsman has discovered China! In America! Dear me, is that a sexual pun I espy buried within the name of a Columbia landmark? A number of heretofore unknown facts are presented, and in the most delightful […]
A semi-thorough interpretation on the meaning of various colored holiday lights in your neighbors’ windows Even The Fed likes a little meta! (includes demonstrative photographs) Just say “no” to MSG Pick-up lines that really hurt An analysis of procrastination, in graph form
What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025Moving Fashion Forward With A Sustainable Fashion Exchange
March 21, 2025Columbia’s Newest Major: Rizzology
March 19, 2025Department of Homeland Security In Columbia Residences, Armstrong Emails Community
March 14, 2025