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Posts Tagged with "radio perfecto"

With all the other restaurant switching going on, several commenters have asked about Haakon’s Hall, which was supposed to replaced Radio Perfecto last fall (including free wifi). Today, though, Bwog Viking Establishment Correspondent James Downie investigated, and found a notice saying that the opening has been delayed until April.  Hang on, then, Valhalla aspirants – […]

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Ivy League thieves can no longer hide behind the brain! Want to bring joy to the world? Now you can, with Raise a Lotta Money Boot Camp! Homesick students rejoice. Your new living room is the old Radio Perfecto. Need to get away from campus and Morningside? Oh, thank god for vibrators!

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Iceland’s President keeps his politics cool, and then in a snowy flourish, he was gone. Radio Perfecto came and went… and now it’s time for something completely different. Columbia’s Capital Campaign gets a boost. Battle of the Editorials: It’s Kwame vs. Ariel! Battle of the Books: It’s Barnes & Noble vs. Book Culture!

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Add Radio Perfecto to the growing list of Morningside establishments to bite the dust. Signs (right) have been hanging outside the bar announcing the bar’s “vacation” since early July. But what brought about the covert demise of Radio Perfecto? If the enraged graffiti poetry on the sign is any indication, it was a conspiracy involving […]

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Word has it a man was shot and killed at Radio Perfecto earlier this evening. Some serious shit definitely transpired: as Bwog passed the bar at 118th and Amsterdam at around 3:45 AM it spotted about a half-dozen police cars, an ambulance, and a camera crew; the block had been cordoned off with police tape […]

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