Columbia computer science professor Julia Hirschberg has created a computer program that analyzes human speech and detects lies with a 70% success rate. (NYTimes) An off-duty cop shot and arrested a mysterious man at the 125 St. subway stop who was groping girls waiting at the station. (Gothamist) A U.S. spy drone crashed in Iran on […]
The B-School admissions office answers U.S. News’s questions, unintentionally letting the entire world know how to get in. (U.S. News) University researchers find a link between a healthy diet and a reduced risk of Alzheimer’s disease. (CBS News) More research finds a gene that causes the growth of “peach fuzz hair”. (Business Week) Local New […]
So you caught a break when Housing decided to give you until 11 this morning to get your group’s proverbial shit together. But you didn’t, and now that convoluted-as-hell deadline for putting together your ideal Room Selection group has officially passed. That means you are now procrastinating a trip to 125 Hartley 125 Wallach to […]
Tomorrow, US News & World Report will release the most important list of our time or any other: its annual ranking of the best colleges and universities. Bwog received an exciting advance press release, the only information on which was that this year Columbia, Duke, and the University of Chicago share the 8th place spot […]
It’s that time of year again when many of ’09’s student leaders, activist types, overachievers, and masthead ascenders will be tapped and asked to join a senior society. A tipster sends evidence in the form of a photo of the sidewalk in back of Earl Hall: Three S’s, the (dark?) mark of one of Columbia’s […]
Columbia College Dean Austin Quigley is hosting a senior class reception tonight at 5:30 in Lerner’s Satw Room. The event announcement mentions a “SUPER SECRET-HUGE-AMAZING announcement at 6:00pm sharp,” which, Bwog hears, is the identity of the 2007 Class Day speaker. We’re hoping for a speaker who’s a bit more Tony Kushner than John McCain […]
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