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Posts Tagged with "rankings"

Editor-in-Chief Kyle Murray, Managing Editor Elijah Knodell, and Deputy News Editor Emma Burris met with the acclaimed author and journalist Malcolm Gladwell to discuss his findings from an investigation into the Columbia U.S. News Scandal.

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U.S. News just released this year’s edition of their rankings for national universities and liberal arts colleges, and Columbia University is still ranked 4th, after jumping to the position in 2010 from 8. This year, Columbia also shares its spot with both U Chicago and Stanford. Barnard also maintained its ranking from last year, sharing #32 with Bucknell […]

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We’re #4 (Again)!

The mysterious figures at the U.S. News & World Report have emerged once more with the rankings that will dominate high school senior’s lives for the next year. Aaaaaaaand….no change! Columbia remains at the comfortable #4 in National University rankings — just like last year — behind Princeton, Harvard, and Yale (although in a shocking […]

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We’re (Still) #4!

But this time, we’re tied with UChicago, that other college with a core curriculum. Harvard and Princeton are tied for 1st, Yale takes 3rd, and 6th is split between MIT and Stanford. Penn has dropped to 8th; remember when we languished there while they took 4th? Barnard, meanwhile, is back to 28th in the Liberal […]

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We’re ashamed that we logged on at midnight to check this, but we did. USNews & World Report still ranks Columbia at #4 for the second year in a row behind HYP. PS It’s real this time.

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You’re ashamed to admit you care, but it’s okay, we kind of do too. US News and World Report just released their annual college rankings, and Columbia holds strong at number 4 behind HYP. Overheard reaction from RAs: “One, two, three, DIDN’T DROP!!!!” Uhhh okay this is really embarrassing. Those were, as many commenters have […]

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Jenny Slate, a CC alum, is apparently not being asked back to the SNL Cast. Analysts speculate the move may be related to her decision to drop the F-bomb in her debut performance. (NYT/HuffPo) Irrigation may help to mitigate the effects of climate change, according to an Earth Institute study. (Sify) The B-School takes 3rd […]

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The 2011 edition of the US News & World Report‘s “Best National Colleges” rankings just came out (like, a femtosecond ago), and our humble little university In The City of New York has jumped to 4th place from 8th place last year, putting us right behind Harvard, Princeton, and Yale. The USNWR rankings are arguably […]

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Mmm, Stress…

According to The Daily Beast’s recent list of 50 Most Stressful Colleges in America, Columbia comes in second in the nation, behind only Stanford. They compiled their list based on five school qualities (weight; Columbia’s stats): cost (35%; $51k), competitiveness (35%; 8th), acceptance rate (10%; 10%), engineering (10%; 18th), and crime (10%; 12th). While we […]

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Bwog’s Dane Cook (yep, it’s the same name, let’s just move on) reports from last night’s meeting. The unceasing plea for student support at Columbia sporting events found voice yet again at the outset of Monday’s SGA meeting. Assistant director of sports marketing, Dan Spiegel, attended to encourage council members to attend Saturday’s homecoming football […]

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Benjamin Franklin once famously said that the only things certain in life are death and taxes (a rather fatalistic saying for someone who got so much tail). In the world of college rankings, one might add, “And Harvard will always be first, and Penn will always be inexplicably overrated.” Yes, it’s this year’s edition of […]

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The Princeton Review’s venerated “College Hopes and Worries” survey has hit the e-news stands, and apparently Columbia is every student’s “dream school.” That makes you feel a little better about your life and your lottery number, now doesn’t it? Bwog is proud – can we get a little ROAR? Only Harvard and Stanford were voted […]

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Bwog received an email early this morning from “ted” at We had never heard of because honestly, have you? Still! They have heard of your Columbia, which they rank 39th in their list of the one hundred most expensive colleges. CG estimates your tuition to be $37,470, which is about five grand less […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
June 1, 2024
Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
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