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Posts Tagged with "sipa"

Vuslat Doǧan Sabanci, SIPA ’96 and the chairwoman of the Turkish news giant Hürriyet, came to Columbia as part of the World Leader’s Forum to discuss the connection between Islam and the media, and her personal experience as a self-proclaimed moderate Muslim. “I am a Muslim woman,” Vuslat Doǧan Sabanci proclaimed to start her address in […]

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Bwogger, prospective SusDev major, and proud Wien resident Nadra Rahman ventured into IAB on Tuesday night to attend a panel titled “Challenges and Opportunities of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.” The panel, consisting of three top-level UN employees, was part of the series of events celebrating SIPA’s 70th anniversary. Since September 2015, the UN […]

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This morning, we received a press release that Jacob “Jack” Lew, the outgoing Secretary of the Treasury, will become a visiting professor at the School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA) next month. While at SIPA, Lew will “lecture, teach graduate students, and work with faculty members at the school and across the University on the […]

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On Wednesday, a panel of journalists and activists with expertise on Syria gathered in the International Affairs Building to unravel some of the intricacies of the crisis and discuss the future of media coverage. Bwogger Lauren Beltrone was in attendance.  In between the sound of my ears popping as I rode the elevator to the […]

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As reported a few weeks ago, SIPA professor Prabhjot Singh was attacked in a hate crime.  Many of you were interested in finding an organization to support in response to the attack.  We reached out to Professor Singh and, after a deluge of emails, press conferences, more press, and calls of support, he was able […]

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Prabhjot Singh, associate professor of international and public affairs at SIPA, was attacked in an incident that the NYPD is investigating as a hate crime. According to the HuffPo, Singh—a Sikh who wears a turban—was walking along east 110th street. At 8:15 pm on Saturday night, “[a]n unknown suspect or suspects shouted anti-Muslim statements, knocked the […]

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According to the Morningside Post, sources in the administration have confirmed that Merit Janow, a professor in the practice of international economic law and international affairs since the fall of 1994, will soon become SIPA’s new dean. She will replace interim dean Robert Lieberman, who will be leaving Columbia University on June 30 to assume […]

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PrezBo sent an e-mail to SIPA members this morning to announce that their dean, Robert C. Lieberman, will leave Columbia University on June 30th to take on the position of Provost at Johns Hopkins University. There is still no information on who will replace him, although PrezBo claims the selection process is nearly over. Here […]

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The Morningside Post is SIPA’s “premier [only?] student-run news and opinion site.” Jay Pinho is TMN’s opinion editor. And two days ago, he sure had an opinion. He began: This past December, with final exams looming, many SIPA students descended into Lehman Library only to stumble upon the only thing even more frightening than the prospect […]

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Sheherazad Jaafari: “SIPA is a past chapter in my life.” (Communiqué) CC ’15 student turned dropout: “Columbia is a business enterprise, not a community.” (Spectator) Photographer of the picture before the fatal subway collision: “Every time I close my eyes, I see the image of death.” (New York Mag) Son of Besse Cooper, world’s former […]

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On Tuesday, students, professors, and United Nations officials crowded the 15th floor of the International Affairs building in order to listen to a panel speak about SIPA’s May 2012 trip to North Korea, the first and last trip of its kind at Columbia. East Asian aficionado Roberta Barnett retells their harrowing tale. The panel, composed […]

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Sherry on the Rocks

As debate continues over whether or not Sheherezade “Sherry” Jaafari,  former press aide to Bashar al-Assad, should have been granted admission to SIPA, some of our own weigh in. David Fine, CC ’13, interviewed Columbia professors, students, and alumni in a piece published on Tablet. Interviewees include Elazar Barkan, the director of Columbia’s Institute for the […]

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From Syria to SIPA

A lot has been written about Sheherezade “Sherry” Jaafari, who’s scheduled to start classes at SIPA this fall. In an email to a J-school professor, ABC journalist Barbara Walters said she “is brilliant, beautiful, [and] speaks five languages.” On the other hand, Haya Dweidary, the only Syrian student in SIPA’s class of 2012, told the […]

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Spotted in SIPA: the big kids have some advice for us underlings. Also, they want their shit back.

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For the past two days, SIPA’s penthouse has played host to a conference entitled “Mormonism and American Politics,” and Bwog was there in the form of honorary Salt Lake Citizen Clava Brodsky. Lucky she attended, since this topic seems rather, well, topical! What follows are her notes from the field. Birds probably have the best […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
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