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Posts Tagged with "North Korea"

Across the environment and political climate, storms are brewing in today’s Bwoglines.

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Bucket List represents the intellectual privilege we enjoy as Columbia students. We do our very best to bring to your attention important guest lecturers and special events on campus. If you notice any events that have been left off the list, or have a correction to make, please leave them in the comments. Recommended: Can […]

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Happening Around The World: Amidst threats of nuclear missile attacks from North Korea, Japan has conducted their first major missile evacuation drill to prepare themselves for an event that may happen in the future. This has prompted mixed reactions from the Japanese public, as some view the drill as being beneficial to the safety of the Japanese […]

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*CW: Sexual Assault, Violence* Happening Around the World: After tensions have been raised over recent conductions of nuclear weapon testing by North Korea, many individuals believe now is the perfect time to begin reconciliation talks and deescalate the situation at hand. Kim Hong-Gul, a Nobel Peace Prize winner and one of the few individuals who […]

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Each year, during the meetings of the United Nations General Assembly plenary, Columbia invites various international figures to speak in our hallowed halls. This series of discussions, often attended and moderated by President Bollinger himself, is known as the World Leaders Forum. Covering one of the first events, neophyte writer Sam Baron recounts his experience listening […]

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  Happening in the world: US Pacific Command and South Korean defense ministry confirmed that North Korea had launched a failed ballistic missile test which soon detonated after. (BBC) Happening in the nation: Protests took place in over 150 locations in the United States to demand Donald Trump to release his tax returns. (BBC) Happening […]

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On Friday night, First-Years S$, L$, and Y$, chaperoned by a Senior Staffer (henceforth referred to as Editor), headed to 1020 for an open-to-close adventure: 4:00 pm to 4:00 am. In their bags were half-done homework assignments, the Iliad, Sappho’s “If Not, Winter”, a condom, and a single iPhone charger. The events that ensued are […]

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HBO cast a SECOND red priestess for the upcoming season of Game of Thrones. We’re excited, because the last priestess killed a lot of people using unorthodox methods. (Nylon) A woman in Florida glued her eyes shut after mistaking glue for eye drops. Accident, or witchcraft? (Fox) Two shootings occurred at colleges in Arizona and Texas. […]

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We’re getting really tired of your shit, weather. (New York Daily News) The U.N. declared numerous acts carried out by North Korea crimes against humanity in a 400-page report. The U.N panel directly implicated Kim Jong Un, warning him that he may be accountable in the future. (USA Today) USA, USA! (Science World Report) A […]

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  Literal: Dung beetles apparently use the Milky Way to guide their poo-hauling journeys. Maybe they could bring some here to unclog McBain toilets? (Reuters) Potential: Rumors that the iPad 4 is coming are already coming. Apparently the new model features a revolutionary change: a larger memory. *gasp* (CNET) Figurative: As sanctions increase, so do fears of cannibalism […]

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On Tuesday, students, professors, and United Nations officials crowded the 15th floor of the International Affairs building in order to listen to a panel speak about SIPA’s May 2012 trip to North Korea, the first and last trip of its kind at Columbia. East Asian aficionado Roberta Barnett retells their harrowing tale. The panel, composed […]

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Rejected by Gmail yesterday? It wasn’t just you. (Gawker) Nelson the parrot has a face that not even his mama could love. (Daily Mail) Reports have surfaced that Zuckerberg did not include any of the Facebook board in the Instagram deal, Social Network style. (NYT, Wall Street Journal) Following the laughable North Korean missile launch, the […]

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Well, this is embarassing. A North Korean long-range rocket launched this morning broke up after launch, raising many eyebrows and more than a few guffaws. (CNN) Core references in real life! Well, in a movie at least. (New Yorker) Not so fast, international censorship laws. (AKAScope) NASA might have found life on Mars! In 1976… […]

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Bucket List represents the unbelievable intellectual privilege we enjoy as Columbia students. We do our very best to bring to your attention important guest lecturers and special events on campus. Our recommendations for this week are below and the full list is after the jump. Recommended: “The Population Bomb–Defused or Still Ticking?” Tuesday, February 28th, 4:00 […]

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