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Posts Tagged with "hate crimes"

“Grim” describes the state of the world at the moment pretty well. Editor’s Warning: Mentions of Death

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Engineers deserve love too… and definitely inviting bathrooms.

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The system is broken. When are we going to accept we can’t reform it?

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As reported a few weeks ago, SIPA professor Prabhjot Singh was attacked in a hate crime.  Many of you were interested in finding an organization to support in response to the attack.  We reached out to Professor Singh and, after a deluge of emails, press conferences, more press, and calls of support, he was able […]

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Prabhjot Singh, associate professor of international and public affairs at SIPA, was attacked in an incident that the NYPD is investigating as a hate crime. According to the HuffPo, Singh—a Sikh who wears a turban—was walking along east 110th street. At 8:15 pm on Saturday night, “[a]n unknown suspect or suspects shouted anti-Muslim statements, knocked the […]

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In a continuing stream of released statements today, we get one from student group AAA (Asian American Alliance, not the place you call when your car breaks down), with support from a huge number of student groups. Below is their statement: According to several news sources, an alleged hate crime occurred on Columbia University’s campus […]

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Update: Athletic Director M. Dianne Murphy and Coach Pete Mangurian have released their own statement; their letter is after the jump. Update #2: Aaaand another one, from OMA. Also after the jump. Deans Valentini, Goldfarb, Awn, and Director of Athletics M. Dianne Murphy have just released a statement to the Columbia community on the recent hate […]

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In light of yesterday’s news that sophomore Chad Washington was charged with a hate crime and the allegations that more people were involved in the incident, many were intrigued by the CU Football team’s impressively unprotected Twitter accounts. An hour ago, WKCR Sports tweeted a link to an Imgur album with a good number of […]

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Chad Washington, CC ’15 and football defensive lineman, has been charged with a hate crime.  According to NBC, he allegedly threatened, followed, and physically harassed an Asian student on Saturday night. A Public Safety office witnessed what happened, but ignored it because “he thought it was a group horsing around.” Washington “faces a felony charge of aggravated […]

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When we analyzed Public Safety’s newly released Annual Report, a few commenters noticed the curious absence of hate crimes in the year 2007. 2007, you’ll recall, was the Year of the Hate Crime — with graffiti in SIPA, Lewisohn, and a half dozen meetings in response to the incident. So what’s with the row of […]

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Hot off last week’s swastika-in-Butler fiasco, it seems a rogue vandal or two continue to try to cram in as much vitriolic graffiti as they can before graduation. A tipster reports that there might have been another hate crime in the 3rd floor men’s bathroom in Lerner. Says the tipster, “Yesterday afternoon there were 4-5 […]

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Around 3:30 PM, the men’s bathroom on the 5th floor of Butler (the one by the east elevator) was promptly closed, locked and surrounded by two police officers and a CU Security official. One B&W staffer overheard the policemen saying that an incident had occurred around 3 PM and heard the cops muttering the words […]

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As the New Year is still dawning, the Council is coming back with a renewed vigor that only 31 blissful days can create.  No new resolutions, however, events and notices abound. To the dismay of many a late-night glutton, the University’s survey on JJ’s Place determined that it would not be financially viable to expand […]

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How has 2007 been the year for Columbia’s prevalence within the mainsteam media? Let Bwog count thy ways… Ahmadinejad’s remark about homosexuality in Iran (namely lack thereof) was noted in Salon‘s Year in Sex. The same comment was also included in City Room’s 2007 synopsis under the heading “Widely noted denial of sexual identity”, as […]

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There’s no fall break when it comes to press conferences.  Somehow, Justin Vlasits woke up for it. It was a chilly morning on the steps of the Arthur Zankel Building of Teacher’s College as reporters from every major television and radio station crowded onto the sidewalk to hear TC Jewish Association Co-President Rebecca Pasternak and […]

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