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Posts Tagged with "so much free food"

Welcome, frosh! Today saw the slightly chaotic move-in of Barnard first-years as well as students not from New Jersey CC/SEAS international students and the farthest away domestic students. OLs greeted each car that pulled up to Carman with school-spirit-crazed cheers, Columbia didn’t card anybody for food bags and trays of hot dogs, and all was well. Freshmen: […]

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Good morning, west coasters and internationals, welcome to your first day at this fine university.  We’re happy to welcome you here and hope that move-in day is…not completely unbearable?  Your giddy orientation leaders will be running around in noticeable shirts to help you out and there are a ton of signs to point you kind […]

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Symposium: Columbia Being Happy continues onwards today with another dose of Live at Lerner. Today’s production includes performance by Beast Make Bomb, a Brooklyn-based garage rock band with influence from the likes of the Pixies, the Velvet Underground, and Blink 182. Food for today is a Texan-inspired full meal including: Chicken or veggie quesadillas Nachos with […]

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Head over to Lerner NOW for the biggest free food event of the year. Expect oodles of sweet treats, dance groups stomping in funky formations, and a MOONBOUNCE! Then get yo drank on at an uber classy “speakeasy” (21+ with 2 IDs). And if you’re in the mood to move, there’s a “bungee challenge” and […]

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Lily Icangelo satirically explains why horror, bemusement, and brunchfoods go hand in hand at Barnard’s traditional last-night-before-finals feast. Midnight Breakfast is as absolutely terrifying as it is incredibly awesome. Walking into a crowded gym of highly stressed out, type-A personality, sleep-deprived girls? So, SO scary. The nervous energy that fills LeFrak Gym during Midnight Breakfast […]

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It’s a perfect day for a springtime picnic! For some slices from Famiglia, sandwiches and wraps from Westside, iced tea, lemonade, and other miscellaneous yummy snacks, all on CC 2011’s dime, head over to the Wien Courtyard from noon to 3. Rumor has it that there will also be outdoor games. (Relay races? Water balloon […]

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More Free Food!?

Leftover Indian food from Business School lunch available at front desk of Lerner while supplies last!

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
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